Rema word from God by Pastor Vivian Jackson of Hope Christian - TopicsExpress


Rema word from God by Pastor Vivian Jackson of Hope Christian Church, "Start Digging Ditches" think big but start small. I.WE MUST KNOW HOW TO DIG THESE DITCHES A.FILL OUR LIVES FULL OF DITCHES. 1.Elisha prophesied in the power of the Spirit, fill this valley full of ditches. 2.God didn’t lead them to a dried river bank and said wait— he said “Dig!” 3.Not just one ditch, but fill this valley with ditches. 4.We need to provide a place for God in every area of our lives. 5.We’re digging ditches when we clear a space for him in the details of our lives. a.Marriages, Home, Time, Finances, Future, Religion. 6.We’re digging ditches when we open an opportunity for Him to move. 7.We’re digging ditches when we make sacrifices in our lives for him. a.This project would expend what these soldiers needed most - their strength. 8.We’re digging ditches when we empty ourselves to be filled. B.DIG AS DEEP AS YOU WANT TO RECEIVE. 1.God fills the empty vessels we offer him to the brim. 2.These ditches would be full and overflowing in the morning. 3.ILL. Ask the Widow with the empty jars, the oil kept flowing until all the empty jars were filled. 4.ILL. Ask the servants at the Wedding Feast in Cana, they were instructed to fill all of the water pots to the brim. 5.The more we allow God in our lives, the fuller our lives will become. II.WE MUST KNOW WHERE TO DIG OUR DITCHES a.Elisha was clear in his prophesy of where these ditches where to be dug. b.The children of Israel wasn’t to wait until times got better they where to dig right where they were.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 00:16:09 +0000

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