Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by - TopicsExpress


Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in Me. John 15:4 I struggle with self-reliance. I wrongly assume that unless I make things happen at work or home, it will not get done. Or, I falsely flatter myself that my ability to problem solve is the solution to the professional and personal issues I face. But, in reality there are too many “I’s” in this equation. It is not about what I can do but what Jesus has already done. He is the reliable one. The Lord longs for me rest in Him and allow Him to grow His fruit. Self-reliance is a stumbling block when it short-circuits the Spirit’s work. Impatience takes matters into its own hands and misses out on seeing the power and glory of God at work. We are better off when we invite others into our thinking and our feelings of inadequacy. Wise are we to admit our weaknesses and confess our mistakes rather than projecting an image of having it all together. Health issues, emotional pain, and spiritual emptiness bring self-reliance to its knees. “Therefore, anyone who rejects this instruction does not reject a human being but God, the very God who gives you his Holy Spirit” (1 Thessalonians 4:8). Prayer: Lord, give me the patience and wisdom to leave things in Your hands so I may see your power and glory at work. Related Readings: Ezekiel 36:27; Romans 5:5; 2 Corinthians 1:22; Galatians 4:6 ~Taken from Wisdom Hunters by Boyd Bailey~
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 09:48:35 +0000

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