Remainder of May 2011- October 2011 So the Marathon weekend was - TopicsExpress


Remainder of May 2011- October 2011 So the Marathon weekend was over, my family and I stayed at the hotel thru Monday and enjoyed some good family time, and played at in the pool and relaxed. The stress of the marathon was gone, I made it to that rung of my goal ladder, time to keep moving up! So this meant KEEP TRAINING! May 2011 The following Saturday was once again the Cooney Duathlon (2mi run/20mibike/ 2mi run, during week in between the marathon and the duathlon, all I did was swim laps, not running, no biking. I helped set up the transition and course the Friday before the race, and I was actually feeling good and fresh on Saturday. The race went way better than I expected, I did not medal, but it was my fastest split times to that date, yes 1 week after running a marathon, I had my fastest duathlon time, once again, feeling good! June 2011 Two weeks after the Dousman Duathlon was the South Shore Duathlon (2mi run/10mi bike/ 2mi run), This is a shorter one and a fast one, it also has a hill called snake hill, which is a steep running trail that has switchbacks down to Lake Michigan, this is still one of my nemesis’ to this day, someday I will conquer it faster (Goal Ladder addition). Two weeks after the South Shore Duathlon was the High Cliff Triathlon (sprint- 1/4mi swim/ 16mi bike/ 3.2mi trail run). This was my first actual triathlon, I was super nervous, but I had been swimming most of the spring, so I shouldn’t have been, but you know you get before a race. The Swim was actually fairly shallow, too shallow to even swim the beginning of it, I was probably 100yrds out before I could actually swim, my time was 7min for the swim, as I looked at my watch I didn’t think it was right, so I just moved onto the bike, this course includes a super steep hill that makes this race famous, I was ready to tackle it (see pic below). After the bike I made it thru transition and headed back up the same hill that I biked up, the run up was a little tougher than the bike up, but once again I did it, on my way back to the finish line I was flying down the hill to the finish. I did it, my first Triathlon, another goal ladder rung achieved! July 2011 So I still had the agreement with my wife of no racing in July, so I had nothing on my schedule, key word is “had”. Until Members of RACC/ & GLM told me that the 24hrs of Triathlon was coming to town, and we were running it! WHOO HOO!! This was going to be fun. It’s a 24 hr relay race, you can do it solo, or as a team of 2+ members. You start at 7am Friday morning, with a normal swim- bike- run, after that you can go in any order you want to get as many Triathlons as possible in 24hrs, but the catch is that swimming is closed from 8pm to 5am the next morning, so you have to set a projected goal (hey we know how to do that) bank swims, then run and bike all night to catch up to the swims, if you catch up by 5 am, you can get a couple more run and bikes in. This event is basically and overnight Tailgate party for triathletes, runners, cyclists, or swimmers. The part I like the best is running & biking at 1-4am, the moon and stars are out, there are creatures running on the country roads, you have a new respect for night running/ biking. So to finish our team won, and we had a blast. Once again we met new people, caught up with others we hadn’t seen for a while, and let our competitiveness run wild. AUGUST 2011 August 2011 I had 1 event on the schedule, it was the Shoreline Duathlon, the event that the previous yr I took on my first tight hamstring during the race, I was not going to let that happen again, I was super hydrated, fresh and ready to go, made it thru the run, the bike I had my fastest bike split ever, then the 2nd run I was going great, I made it up the hill that got my hammy the year before, came around the last corner and I could feel it tightening up just enough to put a little cringe and memory of the year before, but I made it thru and it was good. So you might be thinking, whats next? He reached his goal, what can he do more? Well lots of things! Remember My Ultimate Goal is to do an Ironman Triathlon, I’m not gonna just jump out there and do it, Iam working towards it, so it was August that I decided I was going to go back and do the High Cliff Half Iron distance race the following June, instead of the sprint. So that was now my new bigger goal! The gym that Mike and I had been going to was also shutting down, so Mike and I weren’t sure where we were going to go to to keep on our journey. Until we got a message that Anytime Fitness was opening up in Watertown. Below are some pics, the first is my (at the time 3yr old riding her rocking horse as I was riding my bike, the second is from the the bike course on the 24 hrs of triathlon, and the 3rd is from the High Cliff Triathlon. Next up will be the September Duathlons, more winter series and the New GYM!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 00:00:01 +0000

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