Remaining ones retrieved , finally : Smoke, Fire & Water-82 You - TopicsExpress


Remaining ones retrieved , finally : Smoke, Fire & Water-82 You burn in fiery corolla Amidst dreams set ablaze That scream when scorched The smoke of reckless fire Brings water to the shore That is the abode of sight. If this is called stark reality Let the dreams escort life Till the threshold of death For dreams keep us happy. At times eyes lose clear sight Whenever it pours heavily The breeze of thoughts plays And uproots unseen drops That lie on sidelines of sea. The memories linger like waves Incessantly blooming to shrivel And suppressed till they return The vermillion sky that lit up After we spent idle hours on shore Counting waves on fickle shore Amazed at the sparkle of rain As drops kissed the eager waves Such an hour never came till now My life is spent on this shore Here you reign over my smile Afar from all fire and smoke Only the view is blurred sometimes When it pours randomly within And drops kiss the eager waves. Delhi 1270 19.25 hrs 13.5.13 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Smoke, fire & water -83 The moon spreads silvery light Some mortals remain gold clad I remain covered by silvery light While burning in my golden fire That forever glows below smoke The smoke builds a silent ladder In an attempt to touch moonlight At times it catches from dark sea A string of wandering grey clouds That bite the bait dangling on smoke Attempting to teach the golden glove That holds the ladder below smoke The treasured transparent drops fall Once the string is pulled in the skies The grip once wet is lost amidst ashes On touching the falling drops of water, Bikaner 1271 11.40 hrs 14.5.13 ------------------------------------------- Smoke, fire & water -84 Your heart surely skips a beat At sight of a reflecting mirror My heart beats within your soul For you stole my heart ages ago I was facing the chest beating sea The water never refelected a speck At times i burned in my couldron While i suffered in the raging fire My black smoke troubled your brow Now no sign of mine will remind you Of your heart that i silenly preserved For by now you find me heartless , Bikaner 1272 11.45 hrs 14,5,13 ------------------------------------ Smoke, fire & water – 85 They ask questions I only feel in reply Who could fahom The depth without The wetting dive ? The waves continue To bring water to shore While those who push Also escort on return The infant prank in arms Dissolves in the embrace That bids final adieu On the burning fire That child like glows While the pyre smoke The arrival harbinger Into the eternal life Leaves clutches of fire. Enroute Delhi 11.59 hrs 14.5.13 1273 ------------------------------------------------------------ 1274 Smoke, fire & water – 86 The smoke expands to allure Elongated flames of soft fire Caressing with burning hands Holding within intense desire. The vapour silently departs Once the day simmers hotter The sea searches late till night The few stolen drops of water. Your thoughts stretch on mind Every morn , forever and anew The sea of time is spent in search For the single drop i had was you. Gurgaon 1274 16.5.13 08.35 hrs ---------------------------------------------- Smoke, Fire & Water -87 I tried to touch hot fire To view within smoke To stop the water of sea Now crippled all over i lie I lie that there is no fire Neither a smoke nor sea Even as i stand in crowd Of countless self images That pose with myriad masks With charred hands of mine Smothered eyes and a soul That got dissolved in brine When soaked in deep love I tried to touch hot fire To view within smoke To stop the water of sea. Enroute Jsipur 1275 09.00 hrs 20.5.13 ------------------------------------- 1276 Smoke , Fire & Water -88 Gods emerge amidst spiral smoke Of overflowing incense clouds Bathed in brimming milk streams Absorbing the pain of the crowds. The crowds spend hours in queue Await hours for their turn to pray Worried for continuity of opulence Begging for more in the water spray. There are crowds of another type That sit in queue but await not their turn Survive on distributed bits of oblation For in their homes a fire does not burn. Enroute Jaipur 1276 20.5,13 09.20 hrs -------------------------------------- 1277 Smoke, fire & water -89 Long after grey moke dies A fire silently comes alive Within a parched meadow There is a deep floral bliss For the seeds of my dreams Are forever alive and vivid Flooded by solitary water drop The memory of the first kiss Rather than wail at the dusk Dipped in gratitude for dawn Those who are embedded deeply The heart does not want to miss. Enroute Jaipur 1277 09.40 hrs 20.5.13 --------------------------------------- 1278 Smoke, fire & water -90 You vanished in the smoke of time I waited for you amidst burning fire The rain water dissolved fire and smoke Still you were not visible amidst debris. Then your footprints i followed in hope Now i touch the end of a skybound peak The world below twinkles in dark nights Reflects the lofty skies that hang above And i struggle to identify between dreams That bring you again to my fragile world And reality where your thoughts abound Now i will mount the skies or fall down Both are mere debris without your hand As i try to clutch at the intangible strings Of non existent smoke, fire and water. Enroute Jaipur 1278 20.5.13 10.00 hrs --------------------------------------------------- 1279 Smoke , fire & water -91 I warned my gardener - " if you smoke when you water my plants, i will fire you " You are the fire that yields warmth From afar on long shivering nights For the air of surrounding thoughts Touches you and into my world alights. You are the prosperity indicating smoke That arises from the feeding celebration You are the water that showers all over And knocks gently at the hardened dreams That often fall beyond our measured farms My life awaits you with eager and open arms. Enroute Jaipur 1279 20.5.13 10.20 hrs --------------------------------------------- 1280 Smoke, fire & water – 92 There is no reflection of mine When i stand in front of a mirror For i have lived my last hour Forever and as every day of life Whenever i cease to be alive The smoke from pyre will pose In front of a ruminating mirror That will vouch for overlived zest And smoke has no body to reflect The cradle of fire happens to vascillate As breeze blows atop spur of water Causing more smoke than fire affords The smoke like a stroke on canvas Dipped in the platter of vibrant fire Spreads like water on soft shore sand That awaits no reflection or a mirror. Jaipur 11.40 hrs 1280 20.5.13 -------------------------------------------------- 1281 Smoke, fire & water – 93 The sand filled in the windy palms Like the blushing water filled waves Erases the prints where i stood once The desert turns into a mental maze. The search continues for the entrance From where i tip toed into this fair Every exit indicates to the inner core Where fire and smoke dance in a pair. The fire re-ignites the warm past And hides within the veil of smoke The wells are deep and moist within Whenever i draw within i find fire. Jaipur 11.48 hrs 1281 20.5.13 ------------------------------------------------- 1282 Smoke, fire & water – 94 Like partially burnt coal bits That spread fire to eager corners Beneath the grey garb of smoke Love smoulders in incessant hope . You often wash the simmering heart With a splash of inundating thoughts The water finds a path through crevices On the vale of unsuspecting brow. Jaipur 23,55 hrs 1282 20.5.13 ---------------------------------------------------- 1283 Smoke, fire & water – 95 The smoke is dear to those Who choose to play with fire Roots burn at the hidden bottom Spiralling foliage creeps higher.. The roots are soaked in water Turgid in hope while burning The beloved reigns over thoughts Still the ever pricking yearning. Enroute Delhi 1283 21.5.13 18.20 hrs -------------------------------------------------- 1284 Smoke, fire & water – 96 Seasons are mingled in your thoughts Scaterred they lie and then they lie Dry thoughts and eyes that water The pungent smoke of futile solitude And fire of memories that simmer To agitate the mental cauldron Reliving events that never happened Scaterred they lie and then they lie. Enroute Delhi 1284 21.5.13 18.25 hrs --------------------------------------------- 1285 Smoke, fire & water – 97 I know it will not dawn tonight The twinkle of ever smiling sky Shall reflect black tress of a dame That flows with glitter like water Deep, dense and lost in lunar coat Silver all over and silver all around Silver the smoke of the nocturnal air The golden glow is now all silver The fire of day is now a silver arc In vain the prowling sight follows This rather vague herd of silver prey That escapes through the thick woods Never in clasp of overstreched claws The night has come to a perpetual halt. Enroute Delhi 1285 18.55 hrs 21.5.13 -------------------------------------------- 1286 Smoke, fire & water – 98 This fire does not die within Stubborn like eternal desire Scorching and utmost painful This spell of perpetual fire.. The world around finds no smoke The smoke is stuffed within deep While water ignites more flames By echoing vows we did not keep The smoke on pyre is strangely intense As specks of fire slowly skywards go Amidst the smoke that is lost wth tears There is the smoke we did not show. Enroute Delhi 1286 21.5.13 19.08 hrs ------------------------------------------- 1287 Smoke, fire & water – 99 The water rides smoke every night Rushes around in lunar madness Leaps with a giant gallop skywards Then returns meekly , drop by drop Amidst the spurring waves that clap As the fire is ignited on the horizon Pink and tender the nascent dawn The smoke alights as tides descend And water blushes on the thought Of what had transpired at night before. Enroute Delhi 19.15 hrs 1287 21.5.13 ------------------------------------------- 1288 Smoke, fire & water – 100 The bliss will forever be horizon Let us joyfully row with a smile Surge ahead beyond our shores Float in faith on a dubious water. There has been rampant smoke The progeny of our buried past Before we burn the fire of present Let us know our today was once A distant tomorrow that always Dangled on the edge of horzon. Enroute Delhi 1288 19.25 hrs 21.5.13 ------------------------------- 1289 Smoke, fire & water – 101 The smoke plays with the wind Seeks the wind that stealthily moves Under the creeping invisible layers Smoke traces the air and embraces it Together they elope from binding land And away from the burning fire. I always find your buried thoughts Then bind them within mental bars While you remain free from fetters I remain a captive of your love ! Enroute Delhi 1289 19.45 hrs 21.5.13
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 18:49:05 +0000

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