Remember I said a few days ago that I had some great news? Well - TopicsExpress


Remember I said a few days ago that I had some great news? Well now I can say exactly what it is... As Ive told you all, Ive been speaking with the Inspector Generals office in regards to Addis Pd botching my moms investigation. On top of trying to have them formally invited in, theres another proposal that has been done by a very high ranking person at the Inspector Generals Office. He has met with the Louisiana Sheriffs Association and proposed a new law being put into place in my moms name so that small town cops cannot investigate homicides on their own. It would make it mandatory that larger entities that ARE properly trained and equipped would handle the investigation. This would eliminate small-town who knows who cover ups, negligence and many many unsolved homicide cases- therefore avoiding what happened in my moms case happening again! It is obviously in the preliminary stages but it IS in the works!!! When I was given this news the other day, I was so overwhelmed with emotion!!! I cried like a baby and thank you didnt justify the huge amount of gratitude I felt. THIS IS JUSTICE!!!!! Anyone who knew my mom on a personal level knew that she thought of everyone BEFORE herself. This is honoring her memory and giving hope to families that future investigations of homicide will not be botched, corrupt or tainted. Her life (and death) was shown by Addis that is was meaningless, BUT this new law would prevent them from being able to avoid giving victims the Justice and dignity they deserve! This is HUGE!! Yesterday I received the call that it is definitely in the works and all the necessary authorities are on board with having it pushed to being passed!! At this point, it isnt certain whether it will be made an actual law or whether itll be part of the POST requirements, but either way it is because of the way my moms case was handled and a HUGE accomplishment! This is an enormous way to honor my mom!!!!!! We are on the road to Justice for Sandy yall!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 16:58:26 +0000

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