Remember In watching you humans and how you all behave I - TopicsExpress


Remember In watching you humans and how you all behave I decided to become one of you. so now look am human I have nothing is nothing Am a nobody Thus I have no fear All I have is a big ego that I had to let go So now am truly free. I am just me. Humans listen Have you not notice how We allways separate ourselves from being the most High God But call each other the Devil. If a person say I am the devil is accepted but if a person say am the most high god non one believes yet give the devil more power in your reality that god or a most high god. So many people are calling the hip hop And music industry devil Worshippers Yet again giving the devil so much power Because the devil and devil Worshippers still Is really only worshipping the self and ever self is the most High God...see I just minimized the devil Right in front of your eyes. Notice all the people saying they are God never say they are The Most High God And dont say they are all or the source. You all have a hard time claiming you positive co creatorship But can eloquently tell others about all the problems and troubles that you own And have. And devils you know but cant tell anyone about a most high god you know You sometimes say angel but most dont ever say most high god ...why is that Can you all please declare that you have the whole world in you hands And you are The Most High God Can we all just be what we already are ...The a Most high God Well from what I have seen since Being here with you all is that the devil has enormous power that you all ascribed to him And even in your movies he never dies. In most movies that shows a devil he never dies in the end.. Yet the good people on your planet dies. Its because that is what you are have projected and come to expect Created by your fears. Well as an Author A Thor Hu has Authority And asking you to,Re Write Your Scripts And minimize this so called devil. And he the devil can do what ever he wants to Gods Children And as you can see he is quite revered amongst you all And feared. Well that is what you all have done in your creation of a devil Gave him so much power. But not realizing that you are the ones with the true power. Well children its time to Re write your scripts And Mininize the luciferians Mininize the devil Minimize satan Minimize Monsanto, Minimize chem trails Minimize their plan Minimize your government Minimize their Authority Maximize love Maximize co operation and love amongst Each other. And maximize unconditional love And let it circulate amongs all That is how you all ascend Its quite simple Or do you all prefer complicated rituals That are out dated. The Re Turn Council
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 12:01:50 +0000

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