Remember Learners, To walk the Jedi Path requires sound thinking, - TopicsExpress


Remember Learners, To walk the Jedi Path requires sound thinking, at all times. Judgment, Critical thinking, Adaptive Thinking, and Strategic Thinking. I have seen a few recent threads in which certain persons have complained that Jedi on Jedi Church are acting Judgmentally, and that they should not do so. I shall endeavor, in this post, to explain why This will not change. In the Training of a Jedi, Even the ones in the Movie, The Jedi is trained to consider a situation, employ Critical Thinking, and Adaptive Thinking, Use Strategy, and often, pass Judgment. Critical Thinking consists of using Clear, reasoned thinking. Critical thinking has to happen quickly, not over long periods of time. Adaptive thinking refers to the thinking a leader must do to adapt operations to the requirements of unfolding events and is thus a key component of competency in battle command. Strategic thinking is the process of developing and evaluating every decision and action in light of current and future circumstances, the direction you want to go in and the results you want to achieve. ALL of these require the use of Judgment in their execution/ Thus, a Padawan under a decent master should receive training in the above types of Thinking. Judgment at other times: The Jedi is also a Guardian, a Protector, and at need, a Warrior. Sometimes the Jedi is a Police Officer, or Command Officer. in Acting as a Jedi, there will be circumstances wherein a Jedi will have to pass Judgment, Make Judgment calls, adjudicate the handling of persons acting outside the law, or dangerously to others. Thus, Jedi learn, and are expected to be Able to, Pass Judgment, with an eye toward being able to do such in the right manners, at the right times. ________________________________________________________ That being said, I take from some of these complaints, from a people arguing that Light is wrong, that some of them believe the Jedi role to be much like the Hippies of the 1960s, All accepting, Everybody do what you wanna do, No rules. I am afraid, Leaners, That this is not the role of a Jedi. The world is not a friendly place. There are more ways to die than can be counted. Darkness pervades the world. Religious wars similar to the Dark Ages and the Crusades are brewing. International powers are starting to flex their muscles, while the American President is doing all he can to try to keep his own head above water, due to his own foolish choices. People everywhere are demanding rights that really were not an issue, until some politician somewhere decided to make it a means of election, and many of these are doing it at the expense or others rights. Bluntly put, The world is boiling. The Global truth, Learners, is that eventually our Jedi will be faced with some pretty nasty happenings, and it is our task to be prepared for this. If we are to aid those displaced by Violence, defend those civilians whos homes and lands are overrun by war, Stand as shields for those too weak to defend themselves, It is necessary that we are able to understand the situations, that we are able to look at the whole picture, and all sides views, and then be able to pass Judgment, and make clear judgment calls. In choosing to be Jedi, We undertake and accept the possibilities listed here, and understand that We ARE the Lamp in the dark, and we will do all we can to bring others to the light. Force light your paths.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 22:22:27 +0000

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