Remember When Obama Blocked Tax Paying Americans From Getting Into - TopicsExpress


Remember When Obama Blocked Tax Paying Americans From Getting Into Our War Memorials and National Monuments, National Parks And War Cemeteries? And Do You Know How Much Obama and His Wife Like To Exploit Children For Photo-ops When Pushing Their Authoritarian Agendas? But, For Some Reason, Obama Seems Incapable Of Blocking Tens Of Thousands Of Children From Entering Our Country Illegally and Doesnt Want To Go Anywhere Near The Border To Exploit Them With Photo-ops! Yes, El Presidente with his executive pen and phone that closed the WWII and Vietnam monuments to veterans who had made plans to see it, who closed the Grand Canyon and National parks across the country, who closed the cemetery at Normandy and stopped stop the military from receiving their pay during the phoney sequester crisis (that he caused and blamed republicans for) and now stops the press from reporting on whats going on at out borders and inside these detention centers... For some reason cant (actually, he wont) stop children (and criminals and gang members) from coming into the country illegally by the thousands! nationalreview/corner/380193/obama-our-future-rests-success-dream-kids-joel-gehrke Obama Administration Refuses to Stem Tide of Illegal Children... infowars/obama-administration-refuses-to-stem-tide-of-illegal-children-crossing-border/ ~ But remember when Obama had no problem blocking Americans from getting into these? Police Remove Vietnam Vets at Memorial Wall... weeklystandard/blogs/nbc-police-remove-vietnam-war-veterans-memorial-wall_759267.html WWII Memorial Barricade Wired Shut Again Vets Blocked weeklystandard/blogs/wired-shut-barricade-wwii-memorial-reinforced_759193.html Tax Payers Blocked From Yellowstone.... newburyportnews/local/x1442580373/Gestapo-tactics-meet-senior-citizens-at-Yellowstone Americans cited and blocked from visiting national parks and even arrested for trespassing, lasvegas.cbslocal/2013/10/08/grand-canyon-cites-people-for-entering-closed-park/ Monument Park Ranger: Weve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. Its disgusting... washingtontimes/news/2013/oct/3/pruden-the-cheap-tricks-of-the-game/ Obama Admin. Knew about WWII Veterans Request To Visit Their Monument and Rejected It.... dailycaller/2013/10/01/obama-admin-knew-about-wwii-veterans-request-and-rejected-it/ The U.S. military Cemetery in Normandy Is also closed due to shutdown for some reason:; Update: “Because we have a tea party” hotair/archives/2013/10/03/also-closed-due-to-shutdown-for-some-reason-the-u-s-military-cemetery-in-normandy/ And ... The same president, his wife and the democrat party that never misses an opportunity to exploit children with photo-ops, Hashtags and mandatory school lunch programs, suddenly doesnt want to exploit children at the border with photo-ops? independentsentinel/obama-says-border-crisis-isnt-theater-hes-not-interested-in-photo-ops/ ~ But the Obamas had no problem exploiting these children... Michelle Obama, Speak softly and carry a big hashtag washingtontimes/news/2014/may/8/michelle-obamas-hashtag-help-sign-nigerian-girls-i/ Obama Uses Child Props for Gun Control Propaganda ... townhall/columnists/katiekieffer/2013/04/22/obama-uses-child-props-for-gun-control-propaganda-n1573118/page/full Michelle Obamas Lets Move campaign fails miserably... dailycaller/2014/01/09/michelle-obamas-lets-move-campaign-fails-miserably/ Obama Uses Sick Children To Push His Climate Agenda ... brennerbrief/obama-uses-children-promote-epa-agenda/ Michelle Obamas Intrusive School Nutrition Agenda usnews/opinion/mercedes-schlapp/2014/05/30/michelle-obamas-intrusive-school-nutrition-agenda 1 Million kids stop school lunch due to Michelle Obamas standards washingtontimes/news/2014/mar/6/1m-kids-stop-school-lunch-due-michelle-obamas-stan/?page=all Causing chaos and flooding the country with millions of new uneducated and poor people should be no surprised to anyone at this point, if youve been paying attention to our kings presidency. Obama is a man-child who has a grandiose sense of himself, a very strong sense of entitlement, (even for a politician), unusually prickly and self-pitying. He pretends that hes blind to the damage he’s doing and the failures he’s amassed. His self-conception–pragmatic, empirical, non-ideological, self-reflective, willing to listen to and work with others, intellectually honest, competent at governing, that he portrays is completely at odds with reality. Emperor Obama is constantly projecting his own weaknesses onto his political opponents. There are never any honest differences with Obama; he is always impugning the motives of his critics, claiming they are the ones who put “party ahead of country”...while presenting his own motives as being as pure as the new-driven snow. And whatever goes wrong on his watch is always the result of someone or something else. There’s a kind of impressive consistency to Obama’s blame game. It never rests, and it applies to every conceivable circumstance. It also helps that he has a full-time propaganda wing called the media, to protect him. Obama wants this to be such big problem right now that Congress has to deal with it, and the media will be focused on it, and they will make sure the American public is focused on it also. And Obama will do what he does best, blame Republicans for this so they will cave to an immigration reform proposal if it is sufficiently focused on border protection. Obama let the crisis on the border build so heat would be on Republicans and make them pass his idea of a immigration reform bill. It would be “comprehensive,” meaning huge, impenetrable and probably full of mischief. His base wants it. The labor unions want it. The countries these thousands of illegals are coming from, want it. It would no doubt benefit the Democratic Party in the long term also. Meanwhile, as Obama has refused to enforce immigration law, the result is chaos. Tens of thousands of children are flooding across our border illegally, on the scent of Obama’s executive-order amnesties. Advocates of open borders, such as progressive cheerleaders Mark Zuckerberg and Nancy Pelosi, assume that these impoverished Third World children will not enroll in the private academies attended by their children or grandchildren, or need housing in one of their vacation estates, or crowd their specialists’ waiting rooms. They do not worry about the effects of illegal immigration on the wages of low-income Americans. Dealing first-hand with the ramifications of open borders is for unenlightened, illiberal little people. Obama’s failed economic legacy is rarely, if ever questioned by his adoring media. He has institutionalized the idea that unemployment between 6 and 7 percent is normal and actually good, that 92 million Americans no longer in the work force is alright because you can now pursue your hobbies or become an artist or something and why not... tax payers will pay for it. Obama has convinced the stupid that annual deficits over $500 billion reflect frugality while ignoring the $17.5 trillion in debt were facing, that soaring power, food, and fuel costs are not proof of inflation, that zero interest rates are the reward for thrift, that higher taxes are always a beginning, never an end, and that there is no contradiction when elite progressives like the Obamas, the Clintons, the Warrens... trash the 1-percenters, while doing everything in their power to live just like them. Im coming to the opinion that calling all of these attacks on our country from within by Obama and his inter circle... the Cloward-Piven strategy, because it just obscures that these are really examples of breaking things, so Obama can claim the glory of fixing them. Its just the plain narcissism of dictators to want to sweep away everything that came before them, so they could remake it in their own images. And Obama loves to take credit for everything... except the problems hes created. White House Stands By Absurd Claim Border Security Is Stronger Than Ever… Of course, this is the same White House who believes in Man Cause Global Warming/Cooling.. whatever and windmills, solar panels and unicorns. washingtonexaminer/white-house-stands-by-claim-that-border-security-is-stronger-than-ever/article/2550730
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 04:44:46 +0000

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