Remember a few days ago I said that it was annoying having to - TopicsExpress


Remember a few days ago I said that it was annoying having to censor myself? well perhaps that is a good thing. Well too bad. Convention “Season” is in full swing. Dragon Con is approaching and there are loads of other events coming up. Many of these events are getting more and more popular and “fandom” has grown and diversified. I applaud this and hope for its continued growth. But I have noticed a trend in our little sub- culture. There is this rifting force. I call it Fan-Friction. There is quite a lot of talk about our social behavior at events. “Cosplay is NOT Consent” signs, buttons and t-shirts. Various groups forming with righteous warriors pouring forth to correct all of our social ills. Convention requiring we sign behavioral agreements before we enter. Things like that. I have seen and participated in arguments about the subject. From what I have seen most everyone seems to be ok with the basics of “Don’t be a D!ck!”… it’s the borders and details that seem to make people break out the torches and pitchforks. Well, I have no interest in arguing such things. Most of the people doing so seem to have some sort of agenda, usually it seems to be “See how forward thinking and morally superior I am! If you were a good person you would be just like me! And if you are not, you should not be allowed to go to the same events I go to.” So instead of arguing, I’m just going to tell you how I am going to behave. 1) If I see someone grab you in what appears to be an aggressive or inappropriate manner, I will look to you, if you look like you are distressed, I will have a talk with the offending party. This talk may be as simple as having them apologize (if that is what will satisfy you.)or the type of talk that involves security and or the police. Possibly to pull my ass off them. 2) If I see someone strike you in apparent anger. I am going to land on them like and asteroid wiping out the dinosaurs. I’m sure they feel they have a good reason for their actions and I am sure I do not care. 3) You come to me and say, “This person is creeping on me and I do not feel safe or comfortable.” I am going to assume you are being sincere. If I am in my stall at an event, I will not let them in and I will have con security come to the stall to escort you to a safe place. If I am out and about. I will get you to event security. NO, I will not walk you to your room or someone else’s room. No, I will not walk you to your car or anything like that. If we are at an event, they have a responsibility for a certain level of safety, and if not the event then the venue. Those are how bad decisions happen. 4) You come to me and say, “Someone has harmed me.” See #3. If you “Don’t want to make a fuss”, then neither do I. I’m sure someone else will be glad to. 5) Someone gave you a “funny look”. Too bad. 6) Someone said, “Nice (insert body part, either real or fictional here)”. You will live, move on. 7) Someone has threatened your person. See #1. Other. What does this mean? Well, it means I am going to actually think before I do something. I’m not going to just assume you are right and charge off with sword in hand and brain in neutral just because you say you are the “victim”, but I’m also not going to assume the other person is right either. I’m going to Think and then act accordingly. No, Cosplay is not consent, but honestly it is an invitation. Not to be abused, but to be approached. Get used to it. Here is an important note. Notice how I said “this is what I am going to do.”? Yeah. This is not a debate; I’m not asking your permission here, this is what I will be doing. telling me I should not do this or that and should do something different. Yeah, um. By the way, I do not expect anyone else to do any of this. Seriously, I’m like 6 ft and 200 lbs, I’m not taking a huge risk by intervening, also I am reasonably well known at the events I attend. If I say, “this person needs security.” There is a good chance security will be forthcoming. My motive is not in the realm of “White Knighting” or anything like that. It is much more mercenary. Cons are my workplace. I want my work place to be more pleasant. Telling everyone “You all place nice.” Sounds like a great idea, but has never worked in all of human history. Neither has handing out T-shirts, badges pins, feather, top hats, signs, etc. What has worked is people actually doing things. This is what I am going to do.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 22:07:48 +0000

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