Remember back to 1983, when we were 17-18 years old, graduating - TopicsExpress


Remember back to 1983, when we were 17-18 years old, graduating High School, puffing out our chests saying to everyone that we did it. All we had to worry about was playing baseball, football, how many people we could fit on the huge tire swing in the backyard across from my house, who would go long... For the catch into Miss Beibers hedge, Making Mr. Dickie proud, and playing cops and robbers with all the cute girls in the neighborhood. I remember thinking we were Michael Jordan and slam dunking while jumping onto a chair, tire, ladder for some of us, and flying through the air and slamming. I remember countless ROMANTIC walks along the River walk in Naperville, every night!! And a show of hands for those that still to this day owe Ed a Big Mac for his 10 point dive and treading water in the deep end of the fountain at the river walk. I remember going out and saying what do you want to do? While standing in a random parking lot for hours and then just going home. I remember egg fights in the front and backseat of a Maverick, Pinto, Hornet, Duster, Camaro, or the all to elusive Chiquita Banana or Green M & M. I just want to say that these few experiences in life and countless others made me and us who we are today. I am saying all of this and getting choked up because it directed my path in life and I am proud of it. And I want my son Aaron Burket and Andy Vanlanduyt to understand. Aaron graduates tomorrow from High School. And it does not matter to me anymore or at least right now when I say whether he got straight As or barely passed, it does not matter. The point I want him to understand is he did it. Hopefully when he is old and gray and short and fat like me, he will look back and be able to tell stories that will make a few guys smile, a few more guys laugh, and everyone else will be saying, what the hell is this guy talking about and why is this so long. All I know is I am proud of my son Aaron as he takes the next step in life. He is the first of three of my boys to graduate, two more and I will be done. But being a parent never ever ends. Through the ups and downs, the teenage years, (OMG) until the end. It never ends.. Ending this long story I want Aaron to know that I am a proud father of a high school graduate. May this be a stepping stone to everything that you choose to become, but never forget what got you there!!!!! I love you with all my heart and soul, and tomorrow I will be beaming with all the other parents of high school graduates, but not any more proud than I will be with you son!!
Posted on: Sun, 18 May 2014 01:33:55 +0000

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