Remember how amazing yesterday was? Well, today just made that - TopicsExpress


Remember how amazing yesterday was? Well, today just made that look like a bad day. Before I tell you about Holtons next big steps toward recovery, I want to tell you about last night. It was my wifes birthday on Wednesday and her family took us out to dinner that night. It was very nice and Angela loved it. But all along we planned for me to take her to dinner last night for something more romantic. Well, little did she know I had no plans to be romantic, at least not in an orthodox manner. Instead, I put together a surprise party for her. She wasnt expecting it and deserved every minute of it. When we arrived at the restaurant I told the girl at the front that there should be a table for two under Weingrad. She nonchalantly nodded and pretended to check her computer screen. Oh, there you are. Yes, we have a table in the back. Please hold on while I make sure its ready. Moments later another hostess joined us at the front and looked at a seating chart, as if she needed to figure out where to seat us. Um, ok, Im gonna put you guys at table 603, as she grabbed two menus and two pre-wrapped napkin/silverware sets. Follow me. We made our way through the restaurant, weaving in and out of plenty of open tables. Noticing it might look odd, the hostess turns around and says, We got you guys a nice corner table on the back patio. Angela politely smirks and follows, probably assuming I set something up but having no clue exactly what. Maybe another couple waiting or a few friends? We walk through the back glass door and enter the patio. Hostess first, then me, then Ang. As we turn a corner, I see our friends anxiously wearing party hats huddled against a wall. I want to laugh but I wait for them to yell, Surprise. Seconds later Angela turns the corner and gets his with a wave of screams from our friends. Shes floored. Its awesome. Really, really awesome. Her first words to me as people are cheering and clapping is, What did you do? I just smiled. Shes been through so much and she needed this. Scratch that. WE needed this. Needless to say, the party was a massive success filled with laughter, cocktails, appetizers, delicious dinner and two birthday cakes (Yesterday was always Angelas brothers bday). I gave a little speech thanking everyone for coming and managed to not cry. Almost broke but I held strong as Angela yelled, You better not cry! as she knew there wouldnt be enough napkins in the place to wipe away our tears if that chain reaction started. More importantly than thanking our friends for coming, I was able to introduce (embarrass) two people very special to us now - Kristen and Matt. These are the two people (angels) who saved Holtons life. They gave him CPR for almost 8 minutes until the ambulance arrived. Kristen is the receptionist of our building and Matt handles new and old tenants. But those job descriptions dont do them justice. They are heroes. Without them, Holtons funeral wouldve been three weeks ago. Truth. I guess they are angels. And now, theyre family. They are now in my sisters will (so she says) so well see if they get the shore house. Even though last night was for Angelas birthday, it felt like our families birthday. Day 1. The beginning of my familys life together again. It starts now. As for Holton, well he continues to amaze. Literally. We will officially be moving to the floor on Tuesday. Holtons doing that great. How great you ask? So great that we took him out of his bed today and went for a walk. We pushed him around the 5th floor and then down to the lobby and out into the world so he can get some sun. It felt great. All four of us were together. Stella was playing, Holton was cooing, Angela was basking, I was looking at my phone. All was normal.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 00:13:08 +0000

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