Remember my friends the road ahead is filled with potholes, you - TopicsExpress


Remember my friends the road ahead is filled with potholes, you will all be the subject of trolling even i will have my fair share of them. But remember this no amount of abuse or ridicule will divert us from obtaining our ultimate goal of freedom, we shall remain steadfast and loyal to ourselves, the rewards are truly great and with Nicola Sturgeon at the helm we are in safe hands. People wonder what in hell is a Cornishman doing fighting a battle he cant even vote in, well its easy this Cornishman has had enough of being told what to do. Not only this for many years i have been looking for a cause to get behind, and their is no better cause than Scottish Independence its what i love righting wrongs but even i never thought i would actually join the SNP. Many years ago somebody told me to follow my dreams, well one of them has always been Cornish Independence, so you see this is an ideal opportunity for me to see your dream come true but also mine. Yes i may campaign a little differently than some would like but i assure you i am 100% behind the battle, i know its a hard battle but i know its winnable one and one that will benefit all our nations. We have for too long simply accepted Westminster as our driving force, yes that was before Alex Salmond became the leader of our now great party. Before Alex injected his magic dust over both Scotland and the SNP both were stagnating in a pool of lies and deceit that was Westminster, now Scotlands economy is in a far better shape than Westminster can ever dream of, youth employment is higher than Westminster and the trump card Scotland still has a state run health service. So those of you that finds yourself at the receiving end of a troll, just tell them to look at the state of both Westminster and Scotland and see which one is more healthy. Now that Alex has gone nobody can say he has left both Scotland and the SNP in a mess, unlike Westminsters leaders who have this crazy knack of screwing both up with ease. Nicola Sturgeon could not have inherited a party and Country in such a good shape, yes her work will be hard but at least she wont have the constraints that will befall the next Westminster leader will have. I am delighted to be a member of the SNP even though i may only be the only one in Cornwall, i believe in what Nicola wants and i also believe in what the SNP wants its just a shame i cant vote for them., but i can sure as hell ask all you my very dear friends to give your votes to Nicola in my absence. Next May will be an auspicious day in the history of our nations, so my very dear friends lets show the world that Scotland can and will shape its own future. VOTE SNP.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 22:30:27 +0000

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