Remember that Bill had cut the cord with the lawn mower for the - TopicsExpress


Remember that Bill had cut the cord with the lawn mower for the internet, cable and phone Memorial Day weekend. Well let me tell you something about Charter Communications when I originally called them for the repair order I told the girl on the phone that I have no idea why the cord is laying a crossed the yard to begin with it should have been buried like the rest of the utilities. She agreed with me and said that she would have someone come out and repair the line and bury the cable. On May 28th promptly at 10:00am two young men showed up at my house from Charter Communications and repaired my cable. I mention to them about the cord being buried and they said that the contractor will be out to do the cable burial. I said that needed this done so as it does not get run over again. They said that when they got back to the office they would make sure that the work order was put through for the burial of the cable. They left and another gentlemen from Charter Communications came he said that he was the quality control guy. He asked me it the boys that came out were on time and courteous and I told him yes. Then I also told him about the cord not being buried in the yard and he said that he would check on it when he got back to the office. He proceeded to check all the connections and then he left. About an hour later the two young boys came back and did something in the box in front of the house and then left. Then the phone rings and it is Charter Communications. The women asked me if the repair men were on time and courteous and I told her yes. She asked me if I was satisfied with the repair? I told her that I have my utilities but the cable in the yard still needed to be buried. She said that she would check on that for me and have the contractor contact me when he can get out to bury the cable. About a half hour later the phone rings again and it was Charter Communications wanting me to take a survey. I answered all the questions according to the prompts in a positive manner except when they asked about being satisfied with the repairs and that I gave them a 1 for very dissatisfied. (Because of the cord not being buried) About an hour later the door bell rang again and it was another quality control guy from Charter Communications. He asked me if the repair men were on time and courteous and if I was satisfied with the repairs and I told him about that cable not being buried and that I will not be happy until it is. I also told him that I had taken the survey and that I said that I was dissatisfied because of the cable not being buried. He said that he would check on it when he got back to the office. I called the Charter Communications office yesterday and they said that they never got the work order to bury the cable and they said that they will not be able to get someone out to our house until June 20th to bury the cable. How does shit like this happen? Needless to say I am livid. I was on that phone for an hour yesterday talking to supervisor after supervisor. NOT a happy camper!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 15:49:58 +0000

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