Remember that God doesnt challenge the seed of the enemy.....the - TopicsExpress


Remember that God doesnt challenge the seed of the enemy.....the wicked who wont be led to salvation. Their lives look so hunky dory while they sin their tails off, dont they?? They are supposed to....:) This is the only heaven they get - but for us, the best is yet to come. Were supposed to be THANKFUL for our challenging days, because its evidence that WE ARE GODS CHILDREN. The wicked arent challenged. They are too busy BEING the challenge for others in their path....just as they are programmed to do. They are the imbecile who flips you off in traffic, or the insensitive jerk who whips into a parking place you were sitting there waiting to pull into. Their entire purpose is to TEST YOUR LEVEL OF SELF CONTROL.....and to build it if it needs improvement. They commit crimes and get away with it - but if you did the same, you would be SO BUSTED and go to jail your first offense. God makes sure of The children of God dont ever get away with ANYTHING. God lines us right out, doesnt He?? Im glad....I WANT Him to line me out. I WANT Him to chastise me when I am stupid, so I dont keep on making the same mistakes over and over again....wasting my time and having to repeat lessons when I could be growing more in the faith. Hebrews 12:8 But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons. PROVERBS 3:11 My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction: PROVERBS 15:10 Correction is grievous unto him that forsaketh the way: and he that hateth reproof shall die. Reach out to the King and ACCEPT HIS CORRECTION with thankfulness. It means youre going to live forever, and youre NOT going to die and go to hell.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 05:57:00 +0000

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