Remember the cheats? Do they think we will forget? If it was a - TopicsExpress


Remember the cheats? Do they think we will forget? If it was a member of the public we would have been in prison awaiting trial, or at best out on bail! News item from 2010 Mail Online Parliament endured its darkest day yesterday as grasping MPs faced judgment over the expenses scandal and the prospect of criminal charges loomed. More than half the Commons was ordered to repay a total of £1.1million to the taxpayer - though astonishingly, dozens of MPs had failed to cough up even as an official audit was made public. To compound their shame, it emerged that MPs enjoyed a final year on the gravy train as scandal was brewing, upping their claims yet again. MPs claimed a record £95.6million between them in expenses in 2008-09, an increase on £92.9million the year before. And despite the sum MPs have been ordered to repay, it became clear the taxpayer is the biggest loser in the expenses scandal, as the bill for the Legg inquiry ran to a total of £1.16million. Today, in the culmination of the expenses scandal that has convulsed Parliament for almost a year, police gave the go-ahead to bring criminal charges against three MPs and one peer. Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 10:33:45 +0000

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