Remember the cross. Read Matthew 27:27-55 every day. It was for - TopicsExpress


Remember the cross. Read Matthew 27:27-55 every day. It was for His love of us that Jesus left His comfortable, wonderful home with His Father. He left everything to become human, like us, so we can live for only a kinsman can redeem fallen humanity (see the law of redemption in Leviticus 25:48-49); it was never meant that the blood of animals could save us. In the blood, there is life (Leviticus 17:11). Jesus paid the blood price for us to live. Every time we sin, we hurt the One who loves us the most. Jesus wept over the city of Jerusalem because her people rejected Him (Luke 19:40-42 and Matthew 23:36-38). He weeps today when we reject Him. On the cross, Jesus bore every sin ever committed since Adam and Eves first transgression. The blood of Jesus cleanses us (there are some examples of blood cleansing in Lev. 14) and makes us white as snow (Isaiah 1:18). Who do you love? Will you continue to let sin separate you from God or will you allow His lovingkindness to enter your heart and dwell within you? God planned from the beginning to never lose us despite Satans attempts to destroy the object of His great love (humanity). He gave His only Son so we would never experience the dark separation Christ did on the cross. You have the opportunity to ask Jesus to come into your life. Wont you do so now?
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 11:18:54 +0000

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