Remember, the nature of the kingdom of God LEARN TO PROFIT IN THE - TopicsExpress


Remember, the nature of the kingdom of God LEARN TO PROFIT IN THE SCHOOL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Posted on January 1st, 2014 Have you ever thought to yourself or even said out loud, “I’m not good with money”? If so, please let that be the last time you ever do! God wants you to learn how to handle money. Not only that, He wants to teach you how to profit. Isaiah 48:17 says, “I am the LORD your God, who teaches you to profit, who leads you in the way you should go.” To profit means to “buy low and sell high”; to “make more than you invest.” What are some practical steps you can take in learning how to profit? Here are just a few scriptural principles you can follow: Believe the blessings are yours. They legally belong to you because Jesus paid the price for them with His blood. See Galatians 3:13–14, 29 and Genesis 12:2–3. Diligently obey the Word—not half-heartedly or just when you feel like it, but daily (Deut. 28:1). Believe God to get you out of debt. Once you’re out of debt and God blesses you with abundance (see Deut. 28:11), you can help others more because the debt won’t be weighing you down. If you don’t have any investments, get some. Deuteronomy 28:8 says, “The LORD will command the blessing upon you in your barns.” (In modern-day language, barns could translate “investments.”) So open a savings account or invest in real estate, gold, or silver. However the Holy Spirit leads you—get started; get it going. If you’ve already had it going, add to it. Then pray over it for God to multiply it. Listen to God’s commands regularly by going to chuch often and reading the Bible daily. If you know what the Word says, you’ll be more likely to obey it! Meditate on the Word day and night. To meditate means to “mutter”; to “utter words to oneself in a low tone.” Joshua 1:8 says, “Meditate on [the Word] day and night, so that you will be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” Confess the Word, not the circumstances. Faith believes what God says no matter what the circumstances look like. Don’t forget, your words will produce life or death (Prov. 18:21). Ask the Lord for wisdom. Proverbs 3:16 says, “In her [widsom’s] hand are riches and honor.” James 1:5 says God gives wisdom“generously and without reproach” to all who ask. Pray in tongues—a lot. Make it an everyday practice. Remember, the nature of the kingdom of God is that it’s always expanding. When you submit yourself to God and His plan, His kingdom expands in and through you—and that includes the area of money. Consider the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14–21. A talent in biblical terms was a weight of money equaling over three million dollars by today’s standards. The servants whom the master called “good and faithful” were those who took the money the master had given them and multiplied it by investing it. The servant whom the master called “wicked and lazy” was afraid of the master, so he just buried his talent—and the money never multiplied. Bottom line? God wants us to learn how to multiply the wealth He’s entrusted to us. After all, He delights in blessing us, and the more blessed we are, the more we can bless others and sow back into the kingdom. Why not step out in faith today and ask God for the wisdom and understanding you need to learn how to profit? Then join with me right now in declaring, “I’m a good student of the Word. I’m learning how to proift. I’m going back to school—the school of the Holy Spirit!.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 21:05:05 +0000

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