Remember they used to think the earth was flat? That the sun - TopicsExpress


Remember they used to think the earth was flat? That the sun revolved around the earth? That the moon was made of cheese? and other fantasies... Awaken now to a new paradigm that will connect many dots and show you what the hell is really going on. It took me about 4 days or so to watch all this but it is quite worth the $20...and you can stream it for a year. I have been following David Icke for years now, probably since 2008. What my guru told me under the pyramid in India in 1981 which completely enabled me to pierce through many veils of ignorance, David talked about in a jaw-dropping lecture. His focus on love and consciousness is inspiring. And out of infinite possibility... I cannot recommend this enough for a quick introduction to the nature of the reality in which we live, how we got here, and where we are going. Prepare to have mind blown.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 00:07:07 +0000

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