Remember this course is only for those who have completed Levels - TopicsExpress


Remember this course is only for those who have completed Levels 1, 2, and 3 - if you wish to study the Practitioner Program - just go to this link =D https://facebook/groups/1430346247233598/ Level IV - Reiki Master/Teacher - Shihan - Day 1 Today we take our Reiki Journey to an height, and this week will be a very busy one as well - We will all be giving and receiving attunements each day. I don’t like the term homework, but there will be a lot of support material given you that you’ll need to review daily, and a lot of practice, practice, practice. And to really make this stick, we’re reversing the order of things - First is a new symbol - Raku, the finishing symbol, also known as the “Fire Serpent,” yet is drawn differently than the Tibetan Reiki Master symbol, Dumo, or Tibetan Fire Serpent it’s used most often for grounding the Receiver once an attunement to Reiki has been passed. It is drawn downwards from the head of the recipient to the ground, allowing the energy received during this process to remain inside the Chakras. One of my favorite descriptions of the appearance and the purpose of Raku compares it to a lightening bolt from the sky, and represents life force energy or chi that runs down the spine, through our chakras. The Raku may also be used during healing sessions to ground the practitioner or the patient receiving a treatment. We arent certain of where the Raku symbol came from, it’s not Kanji and isnt one of the original symbol which were taught by Usui Sensei. Some think it may be Tibetan, probably introduced by Reiki Master Iris Ishikuro (who was a student of Mrs. Takata) into her Reiki Practice, which she named Raku Kei Reiki. Raku-Kei is an Ancient Tibetan Healing Art of Self-Mastery, much like Reiki itself. The symbol and practice was brought to the West by Arthur Robertson, who was a student of Ishikuro. Tomorrow we will start practicing attunements with each other, beginning with Level I. Also the Gassho meditation will be very helpful for the rest of this program and then as you enter in to your own practice. I mentioned we are doing some things that may seem out of order or backwards - but I believe beginning with the attunement for this level will maximize your experience during the rest of the program. First is a mini attunement to Raku to make it yours, followed by the attunement as Usui Reiki Master Teacher. You might want to have some soft music playing in the background. Now find a comfortable and quiet place for the rest of this attunement. This will take about 30 minutes so your might want to sit down, back straight. Begin by looking at the Raku symbol; fix it into your mind. Take several deep breaths to relax and bring your hands to the Gassho or prayer position, first in front of your heart, close your eyes and bring your hands to your forehead. Now rest them on your thighs, palms up and cupped slightly. When you are ready, focus on the Raku symbol, feel its energy running through your body, from the top of your head, down the spine, into your legs and down to the ground. Now say in your mind or out loud, “I accept this Attunement as Reiki Master Teacher prepared and sent to me by Roger Nobles (substitute your name here.)” Continue to relax and allow the energies to flow into you and through you, enjoy it. For this next section, please go to page 9 in the manual and study, the manual contains graphics that I cant post here =D https://facebook/groups/545077428951329/576725725786499/ One way for giving the Level I Attunement – Reiki Level 1, students receive four initiations, to three symbols: The power symbol , Cho-Ku-Rei, The mental/emotional symbol , Sei-He-Ki And the distant/absentee symbol , Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen. 1st initiation - Energy raises the student’s vibrational level to increase healing capacity. This Initiation opens the crown chakra to connect with and channel more universal energy light, plus initiates universal wisdom and purpose to flow. 2nd initiation - Energy operates through the student’s etheric body (spiritual double located slightly above the physical body). Attunement opens cervical and spinal column to improve the functioning of entire nervous system, plus open throat chakra to enhance communication 3rd initiation - Balances the student’s right and left brain for clearer thinking and action 4th initiation -Influences student’s pineal and pituitary glands, which increase higher consciousness and intuition. The pineal gland located at the 7th chakra (crown) increases perception of light, plus connects student to the universal source of energy. The pituitary gland located at the 6th chakra (third eye) is also influenced to balance the endocrine system as well as the brain. The symbols are permanently sealed into the student’s hands and aura, before the energies between student and Master, are disconnected. This initiation completes the process allowing the energy channels to remain open. For ‘hands-on’ attunements: Preparing Students for the Attunement Process: • Play soft Reiki music • Sit with feet flat on the floor or chair, place hands on laps. • Close your eyes, take 3-deep breaths and relax • Take a moment to scan yourself • Starting at your feet and working upward toward your crown, release any tenseness and relax each muscle • Say to students, “You are safe and secure at all times” • Begin the guided Gassho meditation to relax them First Initiation (Energy operates through student’s physical body to raise energy vibrational level and to increase healing capacity. Attunement opens crown chakra to access and channel more universal energy light, plus initiate universal wisdom and purpose to flow) Position: Back of Student; Area – Shoulders and Crown Stand behind student and place your right hand on student’s shoulder. Connect your energy to the universal energy source by raising your left arm with hand facing upward (to receive universal energy) and visualize or draw the Master Symbol Dai-Ko-Myo (pronounced Die-Coe-Me-Oh) above the student’s crown. With your left arm still raised, place your right hand on top of student’s crown and silently say a prayer or invocation (E.g. “I ask for universal blessings from spirit and the Reiki healing team to assist this student to become a compassionate, loving Reiki healer who will be filled with humility in order to serve humanity for the highest good” Visualize white light entering your crown, going through your tongue, down the front of your body to the Root Chakra, then back up your spine to the centre of your head (Fire Dragon energy) See “Fire Dragon” energy flowing into student’s crown Also visualize and silently say the name of each symbol 3x’s Cho-Ku-Rei (Choh-Koo-Ray) Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen (Hon-Shaw-Zay-Show-Nen) Sei-He-Ki (Say-Hay-Key) See the symbol penetrate into student’s heart, then along their arms to their hands; wait until you feel the process is completed before continuing – use your intuition. 2nd initiation - Energy operates through the student’s etheric body (the Aura or human energy field that surrounds the physical body). Attunement opens cervical and spinal column to improve the functioning of entire nervous system, plus open throat chakra to enhance communication. Position: Back of Student; Area – Both Shoulders Continue standing behind student and place one hand on each shoulder. Visualize and silently intone Cho-Ku-Rei (Choh-Koo-Ray) 3times, as you blow “Fire Dragon” energy into each shoulder. See the symbol move along student’s cervical and spinal column; wait until you feel the process is completed before continuing – use your intuition. Third Initiation (Balances student’s right and left brain for clearer thinking and action) Position: Back of Student; Area – Occipital Ridge at Back of Head Continue standing behind student and place your thumbs on and parallel to their occipital ridge (where the back of the head meets the neck. Visualize and silently intone Cho-Ku-Rei (Choh-Koo-Ray) 3times. See the symbol penetrate the back of the head; wait until you feel the process is completed before continuing – use your intuition Fourth Initiation influences student’s pineal and pituitary glands, increasing higher consciousness and intuition. This initiation completes the process allowing the energy channels to remain open. Position: Right Side of Student; Area – Forehead and Back of Head Move to student’s right side and place your left hand on the lowest part of the back of their head as you place your right hand across their forehead. Visualize and silently Intone Cho-Ku-Rei (Choh-Koo-Ray) 3 times, while visualizing the “Fire Dragon” energy flowing into both areas (back of head and then forehead). See the symbol penetrate these areas; wait until you feel the process is completed before continuing – use your intuition. Final Step of 4th Initiation -Three major symbols are permanently sealed into student’s hands where the energy is accessed automatically from the student’s subconscious level. Position: Kneel in Front of Student; Area – Both Hands Palms Up Walk counter-clockwise to student’s front. Kneel in front of student and place both their hands in open hand position (palms open and facing upward) on their lap. Apply symbols to each hand separately. Starting with the left hand, cup your hands. Visualize the “Fire Dragon” energy flowing into the 1st hand. Visualize and silently intone Cho-Ku-Rei (Choh-Koo-Ray) 3times. Then visualize and silently intone Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen (Hon-Shaw-Zay-Show-Nen) 3 times. Lastly, visualize and silently intone Sei-He-Ki (Say-Hay-Key) 3 times. See the three symbols penetrate into the hand. Keep the left palm open and facing upward as you repeat the same procedure to the right hand. Once the procedure is completed on both hands, with the palms still open, simultaneously with both your hands, gently tap both palms 3-times to seal the symbols in. Criss-cross their hands across their heart and then criss-cross your hands over theirs. Hold this position until you feel that the initiation is completed -use your intuition. When finished, walk counter-clockwise to back of student, bow to Usui sensei and give a silent prayer of gratitude (E.g. “I give thanks of gratitude to the Reiki healing team for all assistance received during this attunement.) While at the back of the student, draw the Raku symbol to ground and seal the symbols into the student’s aura, you may now disconnect your energy from that of the student. Advise the student the attunement is completed. Student bows first to Usui sensei, then to Reiki Master Teacher (to show respect), before leaving the room to return to their chair to continue meditating When all attunements are completed, change from your attunement garment, do your cleansing exercise (E.g. dry brush or shower method) and wash hands (for sanitary purposes, plus to cleanse external energies) You may use a guided meditation to bring students back to the present time or simple state your intent to do so. When your intention to receive is stated, the attunement automatically begins. It takes about 30 minutes. Once started it continues until the transfer is completed even if you fall asleep, watch television, go for a walk. For Distant Attunements: You may use a proxy, like a stuffed animal or doll, and follow the same procedure as the ‘Hands on’ or you may choose to do as I do and personify your lists on names for attunement, then visualize the same process as above. An even more simple way is to state your intent to send the attunement to the student or students by name and then allow the universe to continue with the attunement. There are many other methods as well, Intent is the key, so choose the method your feel most comfortable with or create your own. Congratulations you have now completed level I of the Usui Reiki Ryoho program and are ready to practice. Please continue to practice all you have received with Level I for the remainder of this program and for as long as you practice Reiki
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 04:44:34 +0000

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