Remember when I asked a few months ago, What does water mean to - TopicsExpress


Remember when I asked a few months ago, What does water mean to you...? Well... here is why I asked that question. Today, I was given the blessed opportunity to live life on earth. Today, I begin my 33rd year on this Earth. As, the days of 32 began to run out and I approached the turning of 33 I began to feel a shift. A spiritual shift that has been a shift unlike any other preceding the turn of another number. I have been searching deep within myself for purpose and a greater meaning. I have tossed and turned at night not being able to fall asleep sometimes staring at the moon outside my bedroom window. I stare at that moon and see how little I am, but how great this universe is. I lose sleep often stricken by floods of anxiety and almost panic that if I blink, will I one day wake up and it all be over? Would I have made an impact? Did I live with purpose? What was or IS my purpose in this life? A lot of my friends poke fun of my social media inspirational posts or soulful insights that I publicly share... often times through an image that has provoked a thought that moved my heart and shifted my spirit to a higher consciousness ... or an experience throughout my day that moved my soul to tears; having been witness to the kindness of one human being to another. One good friend even jokes in nickname calling my quotes Mahatma Gregory... and will stop me mid conversation saying with her fingers with mocking quotations #hillbillyhappiness. The point of all of this is, my soul, my spirit, my heart has been consciously seeking to be a part of a purpose that is deeper than the wisdoms and experiences that I know today. I desire a greater purpose. Very few of you know how actually very private and solitary I actually am. I spend a lot of my time alone... traveling this earth. I have been incredibly blessed with some of the most wonderful of experiences that have truly moved me to wanting to be, and do better. So on this Birthday, I wanted to do something different- I actually want to have a celebration with you all. An actual, real birthday party where you all are invited... and gifts are greatly appreciated and encouraged... and heres what I mean by that. I have been working with Marie Forleo on her #youtube web series #marietv for about a year now. Being on set with this incredibly inspiring, loving and compassionate woman has been one of the greatest gifts. I am afforded the opportunity to sit, and watch live as we record her interviews with some of this earths most powerful, and motivating doers and shakers. A few months ago, a young gentleman by the name of Scott Harrison , founder of CHARITY WATER was on set to discuss his charity, his life, his purpose, and how he found it. As the interview went on, I was flooded, and truly moved to tears. The type that almost break you into what Oprah calls that ugly cry. I could not hold them back. I sat and continued to listen and understand that I have an opportunity to act in a way that is so small... but is so impactful. The interview ended, and I asked him, how can I get involved? Scott Harrison created #charitywater - a charity that provides clean water through donation to those living in countries and villages that do not have access to clean water. I started to think to myself... just clean water? I mean, I run the water down the drain when I brush my teeth... I run the water down the drain when I do dishes... I dont finish water bottles, I can go to any park in the city and push a button at a fountain and drink directly from it ... I can go into starbucks and ask for a water at no charge with my coffee... just water? Scott shared the affects of just having clean water... and the often misfortunes of a human life just merely trying to get it. He shared the story of a young little girl who walked 12 hours with a clay pot to retrieve water- to almost get home and have it slip and crack... not being able to provide her family be ability to drink clean water; ultimately hanging her self from a tree in such shame that her 12 hour trek to provide her family with clean water was not a success. I have been naive to the fact the the most basic necessities of living - water, is too often the demise of whole villages and beautiful lives that can have so much more opportunity - just by having clean water. My facebook post a few months back asked the question, What does water mean to you...? Below, are some of the comments that a few of you left behind... I leave these here to possibly begin the thought process of how easily attainable fresh clean water is for us here in America... and perhaps we can begin to understand the impact that clean water can have on a fellow member of this earth to help them live the blessing of the gift on life on earth... here are a few of those comments ... Water to me is freedom Water to me is health Water to me is summertime running through the sprinklers Water to me is renewal and rebirthing of the spirit- cleansing Water to me is relaxation, nothing better than filling up a whole tub of hot water.. Water is life You see, water to us here in America is something that we have never had to second guess... we have enough of it to sustain our health, grow our food, and even allow us some r&r after a rough day. We are blessed and incredibly happy to have it. So for my birthday here is what I ask... I am going to start a #charitywater campaign. The name of my campaign is #hillbillyhappinessGregory (duh). 100%- that is right 100% of what you donate goes directly to the human beings that need clean water. For my birthday I have set a goal of $3333.33 in honor of turning 33. My goal is to surpass this amount- as I want to be able to get into the $4500-$10,000 amount so that in our honor, we can provide a whole village/town with a working and pumping water well. Your donation is absolutely tax deductible. I ask that you join me in this campaign for 33 days. I ask for you to donate any amount that your budget allows beginning at $3.00 to whatever other amount your heart so desires. I ask for you to share this Facebook post and help me reach my goal and surpass it. I want you to help me ring in 33 with #purpose and helping another human being live a better life. This would be the most powerful gift I have ever received, and I would be ever so grateful for your help in my campaign for #charitywater #hillbillyhappinessGregory Lets make an impact and do this together! So much love and gratitude in celebrating my birthday with you all today, Gregory ...And the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone. -Excerpt from Charlie Chaplin famous Dictator Speech
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 17:46:24 +0000

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