Remember when we were 14, or 16....Mom would ask us Did you do - TopicsExpress


Remember when we were 14, or 16....Mom would ask us Did you do this? and of course we would deny that we had any thing to do with what ever we were accused of, even when we really did do it. That is the case here of the kids in school denying they bullied this kid. It happens all the time, maybe he is gay, or sort of acts like that. Or maybe he is a little slow in the brains department. Maybe he likes a girl who is popular and he is not so her friends ridicule him, pick on him etc. I know .... that sounds like some people I knew in high school. The failure of the school to act on any accusation of bully treatment of a student leads to this type of reaction by kids now days. Why? because the media has plastered this over and over and over on the news, and the NRA denies, denies, denies that gun control does not work. Yet we lead in deaths by gun shots in the world, far out numbering any other nation. So how can this stop? Strong gun controls, Insurance required by all gun owners, back ground checks of the person buying ANY fire arm ANY way, ANY where, including private sales. I am not saying to eliminate guns at all. Just make it hard for criminals, mentally ill, and Republicans to get them. Ok now you NRA and 2nd amendment NUTS can tear me apart, but it will not change MY resolve to see that YOU who are stupid do not get guns.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 16:45:47 +0000

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