“Remember, you are within a 3D hologram that YOU chose to enter. - TopicsExpress


“Remember, you are within a 3D hologram that YOU chose to enter. You entered this hologram by moving inside your Multidimensional SELF to bi-locate a portion of your consciousness into the 3D Matrix of a human on 3D Earth. To leave this matrix, you retrace your steps by going inside your self to re-unite with the Multidimensional SELF, who you have always been. Remember, you did not “come to 3D Earth.” You bi-located a fragment of your consciousness into a third dimensional earth vessel. The earth vessel that you are wearing can only perceive the component of your SELF to which your consciousness is calibrated. However, even if your earth vessel is unaware that YOU are within it, your Multidimensional SELF is fully aware of the “3D you.” “Your higher dimensional aspects of SELF live within frequencies of reality in which they function via their/your multidimensional mind. Your multidimensional mind resonates to gamma wave consciousness and can perceive and integrate many frequencies within the NOW. It is gamma wave consciousness that ties myriad frequencies of perception into a cohesive multidimensional perception/reality.” “Your Multidimensional SELF will guide you to perceive, create and re-create a higher dimensional reality.” “When you are functioning on a third dimensional frequency, you can only conceive of third dimensional ideas and can only place your attention on third dimensional solutions and choices. In order to perceive higher dimensional solutions and choices, you need to expand your consciousness into the higher dimensions of reality.” “You have been trained, brainwashed, to believe that only the physical, beta wave perceptions are real. This indoctrination separates your conscious attention from the perceptions of your higher states of consciousness by informing you that they are NOT real.” “You have been told that only the spectrum of the third dimension is real. During the times of the Kali Yuga many were punished and/or killed if they admitted that they received information from the higher worlds. These worlds are not higher in that they are better, which is what you were also taught. These realities are higher in that they resonate to a higher frequency.” “Fortunately, more and more of humanity is also coming into a conscious connection with their fifth dimensional theta wave consciousness to create portals, which are frequency trails, from the fifth dimension through the fourth and into the third dimension.” Full text: nblo.gs/12QgmH
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 03:28:17 +0000

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