Remembering Father Coughlin - a man who exposed the NWO in the - TopicsExpress


Remembering Father Coughlin - a man who exposed the NWO in the 1930s with a radio program that reached a third of the nation ...because of Father Coughlin, the government made it harder for people to speak freely over talk-radio and introduced strict regulations to obtain a radio permit. Heroes of the Resistance: Charles Coughlin WHEN TRAITORS RULE, PATRIOTS ARE PARIAHS By Reb Culhane Reb Culhane is the pseudonym of a 21 year old college student in Denver, Colorado. Throughout the 20th century, voices that cut a little too close to the core of the New World Order, were silenced, slandered, and discredited. One such voice, was Father Charles Coughlin (1891-1979.) A Roman Catholic priest of Canadian birth, Coughlin pioneered use of the radio to reach vast numbers of people during the 1930s era of Roosevelts New Deal. While his message was not without flaws, Father Coughlin spoke the truth in key areas which led to his consignment to the wrong side of history in official accounts. Originally a strong supporter of the Wall Street puppet FDR, Coughlin said, The New Deal is Christs Deal and God is directing Franklin Roosevelt. However, he soon changed his mind. Coughlin became a staunch proponent of monetary reform and an early advocate of abolishing the Federal Reserve. With the advent of Coughlins radio program, he began to reach millions of people a week and by 1934 had become the most prominent Roman Catholic economic and political speaker. Roosevelt himself sent Frank Murphy and JFKs father Joseph P. Kennedy to try and tone him down. Coughlin ignored them and began to denounce FDR as a puppet of Wall Street. Coughlin also began to support the Louisiana populist leader Huey Long, who was murdered by the Illuminati. Father Coughlin was a major opponent of the twin Hegelian heads of the New World Order, monopolistic capitalism and communism. He declared in 1935 I have dedicated my life to fight against the heinous rottenness of modern capitalism because it robs the laborer of this worlds goods. But blow for blow I shall strike against Communism, because it robs us of the next worlds happiness. Indeed, Coughlin was by very nature anti-globalist and supported the America First Movement of which Charles Lindbergh was a prominent figure. Less care for internationalism and more concern for national prosperity was a campaign slogan of Coughlins organization, the National Union for Social Justice. Speaking like this brought the full scorn of the New World Order down on the outspoken Catholic priest. SHUTDOWN During its height, Coughlins radio program was wildly popular, with listeners flooding his office with 80,000 letters a week. It is estimated that almost a third of the nation tuned in at the time. However, Coughlins popularity gained him some powerful enemies. The Roman Catholic Church itself did not approve of him and the Vatican wanted him silenced. The Roosevelt administration was determined to shut down the Radio Priest. Eventually accomplished this by performing an end run around the 1st Amendment. The administration decided that freedom of speech did not apply to broadcasting because radio was a limited national resource and should be regulated as a publicly owned commons. New regulations were put into place demanding that regular radio broadcasters obtain operating permits. Coughlin was denied a permit and forced off the air. He attempted to work around this by purchasing air time, but this became incredibly costly and reduced his resources and ability to reach people. Coughlin then resigned himself to publishing editorials in his own newspaper, entitled Social Justice. The Roosevelt administration acted predictably and revoked his mailing privileges, rendering him impotent in sending the paper out to subscribers. Upon this, his influence was crippled. In addition, the attack on Pearl Harbor and entrance into World War II turned public opinion against anti-interventionists like Coughlin and official government propaganda smeared them as collaborating with the enemy. Thus, Coughlin faded into obscurity, spending his retirement keeping a low profile and writing anti-communist pamphlets until his death in 1979. His church, the National Shrine of the Little Flower in Royal Oak, Michigan, still stands today and was declared a National Shrine by the United States Bishops Conference in 1998. Modern history texts smear him as a demagogue and anti-Semite with fascist sympathies. This isnt surprising because the winners write history and the Illuminati has been the winner for quite some time now. COUGHLINS FLAWS While he was indeed a great voice of opposition against the New World Order, Father Coughlin did fall into the trap of describing it as a Jewish conspiracy. While he correctly identified Jewish central bankers such as Jacob Schiff as being behind the Russian Revolution and helped to expose the Protocols of Zion, he had a tendency to generalize the entire conspiracy as a Jewish plot. This led him to express a degree of sympathy for Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. In this researchers opinion, that was a mistake. While some Cabalistic Jews are involved in the New World Order, many Gentiles are involved as well, as Coughlin was surely aware of (i.e. Roosevelt). In addition, Hitler and Mussolini both were instruments of the same conspiracy and should not be admired, especially by a Christian like Coughlin. Speaking of a Jewish conspiracy severely discredited him and opened him to be smeared into obscurity with the charge of anti-Semitism. CONCLUSION Despite the above shortcomings, Father Charles Coughlin was a strong anti-NWO activist and showed steadfast courage and bravery in his crusade to expose those who run the Shadow government. He pointed to the power structure, the central bankers, and called to abolish their control center, the Federal Reserve. For this he should be commended and held as an example for all patriots who value God, Freedom, and Country. Coughlins story also brings with it a strain of pessimism, though. After all, if a man who once had the attention of a third of the nation could not effect change, what chance do we have of doing so today? - See more at: henrymakow/charles_coughlin_served_god_an.html#sthash.qb6SntzW.dpuf RELATED - The story of Elizabeth Dilling - A woman you were not allowed to be taught about in school. henrymakow/2014/03/Heroes%20Heroes-of-the-Resistance-Elizabeth-Dilling.html
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 15:41:19 +0000

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