Remembering The First American Military Warriors Who Fought - TopicsExpress


Remembering The First American Military Warriors Who Fought islam Jefferson memorial day terrorism Tripoli “From the Halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli, we fight our country’s battles, in the air, on land, and sea.”- Official Hymn of the U.S. Marine Corps. Have you ever wondered what is Tripoli doing in our Marines’ official hymn? On this memorial day, let us remember those who gave their lives that we might be free from muslim terror! Ambassador Thomas Jefferson had a wake upcall the day he met with muslim leaders. Thomas Jefferson asked why are muslims attacking American ships when we are doing nothing to incite any form of violence. To his shock, he recorded the following words spoken by the muslim ambassador Abd Al-Rahman: “it was written in the Qur’an, that all Nations who should not have acknowledged the authority of mohammad were sinners, that it was the right and duty of every muslim to make war upon nonmuslims they could find and to make Slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Muslim who should be slain in battle was believed to go to Paradise.” Remember there was no Israel nation at this point and there was no American military bases in Saudi Arabia to blame these muslim terrorist attacks. All America wanted to do was to pass by the open seas and engage in fair trade. Even liberal PBS McNeil/Lehrer reported one day on America’s first war by President Thomas Jefferson against the muslim terrorists. To the surprise of many in our modern liberal and libertarian false worlds, our nation formed its first national Navy and united beyond individual States to a national force, due to muslim terrorist attacks at the foundational years of our nation. The founders of our nation believed that we needed to be united against the threat of islamic terrorism or we would fall as divided States. Muslims were terrorizing Americans by forcefully boarding American ships and beheading our men and enslaving our women and children. Americans were being sold in the open muslim market. When they offered America an option to pay a nonmuslim tax of up to 1 million dollars per year so they would “allow” us to sail without their attacks on our ships, sadly, John Adams agreed to pay the bribe according to the European model of that day. At one point, up to 20% of our national budget was dedicated to paying off muslim terrorists. Thomas Jefferson argued that the more you pay a terrorist, the more he’ll demand. When he became President, he called on our brave Marines and Navy to go overseas and kick the butt of those muslim terrorists who were ruthlessly attacking our American citizens. {Jefferson used the common colloquialism of his day for this.} Muslims made the grave mistake of believing that a small nation just formed would not have the power to fight the muslim powers overseas. By the Grace of God, The LORD granted our Marines and Navy great victories and the muslim powers were forced to return several hundred American women children and men. Unfortunately, our first treaty sadly stipulated that America would agree to pay $60,000.00 for these “slaves”. President Jefferson tried to call it “tribute” instead of “ransom”, but rightly, William Eaton remained strongly opposed to the State Department diplomat Tobias Lear on this important matter. By 1807, Muslims began to attack American ships once again and terrorize our citizens abroad. In 1815, Commodores William Bainbridge and Stephen Decatur led our military victories to force muslims to sign ending all “nonmuslim” tax payments by the United States to faithful muslims and that finally put a stop to the muslim attacks on our citizens for a long time. However, Thomas Jefferson knew the danger of islam was not over. He secured the great Naval Hero rear Admiral John Paul Jones to try to fight off the muslims in Constantinople and return Constantinople to the Christians who had been attacked by muslim ottoman forces and overtaken after several hundred years of failed attempts by previous muslim rulers to attack the peaceful Christians. In an article on this important Naval officer, we read: John Paul Jones, Father of The American Navy: he engaged in his most famous battle: the Battle of Flamborough Head. The battle took place against the British warship called the HMS Serapis. It was a long battle that Jones nearly lost, but he continued to fight until the very end. His ship on fire and sinking, he refused to give up. When the commander of the Serapis asked him about surrendering, instead of giving the idea any thought, he quickly replied with his famous line “I have not yet begun to fight!” You can imagine the surprise of the British commander, seeing as the American ship was already in a bad state. But Jones was true to his word, he had not begun to fight. After uttering that reply, he was able to overcome the enemy and actually captured the Serapis. To illustrate the extent of the damage to the Bonhomme Richard, Jones’ crew tried for almost two days to salvage their vessel, but it was in vain. it was determined that the damage suffered during battle was too great and the ship was left to sink. Jones took command of the Serapis and then made the journey back to France. He was a hero in France and America, receiving awards and titles for his valor. To read more about the record of islamic terrorists attacking our citizens long before we struck oil in Saudi Arabia, you can read a 600 page book by military reserve officer, American-born historian, Michael Oren entitled : Power, Faith, and Fantasy: America in the Middle East: 1776 to the Present Many of our brave men and women have sacrificed their lives fighting off muslim terrorists. On this Memorial day, let’s honor their memory by remembering this battle did not begin by us, but it started in the last 1700s against our nation. Prior to that it had started in the beginning of islam by mohammad the false prophet of islam. It has continued for over 1388 years. May this generation be the final generation that allow the terror of islam to be passed on to the next generation!
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 21:40:01 +0000

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