Remembering some yoruba life(philosophical)classification learnt - TopicsExpress


Remembering some yoruba life(philosophical)classification learnt from the elders 1,that there are 5 types of friends and they are ORE-the real friend,ORE-kane(a painful punishment),OORE-help(an helper),ORE-gift(a blessing),OORE-cricket(a gossiper,snitch,backbitter)-here we no d difference btw a FRIEND and a.FIEND,secondly there are 5 types of husband based on effect and duties,OKO-the real husband,OKO-hoe(a selfish fool),OKO-stone(wife beater),OKO-farm(magga),OKOO-vehicle of destiny,OKO-His major concern is d BEDROOM,from this u know the difference an HUSBAND,HORSEMAN,and HORSEWHIP,thirdly there are 5types of wife,AGUNLA-the brealthru agent,AGUNTE-a distorter,ATEGUN-a stepping stone to greatness,AGUNYE-a deliverer from perdition,AGUNNU-marry her and u may not make it in life,here u know if u have married a WIFE,a WI-FI,or u are in the wild,there are 4 types of persons on the globe(spiritual content) star and they are FIRE,WATER,EARTH and WIND,,the right combination for friendship and marriage MAY BE,fire/wind or earth/water.finally there are 4 types of life examination(trials),,,AYEWO-test,IDANWO-temptation,AMIWO-tempest,ADANWO-tribulation,,in a world of AFIBISONRE,AFORESONBI,AFIBISONBI and AFORESONRE,o lord deliver us from AMONISHENI,AFAIMONISHENI and ASHENIBANIDARO,,,amin
Posted on: Thu, 10 Oct 2013 09:45:33 +0000

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