Reminder. Saturday 18th/19th day of Zul-qadah. Death The - TopicsExpress


Reminder. Saturday 18th/19th day of Zul-qadah. Death The destroyer of pleasures. Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem. Did you ever stop for a while and asked yourself...What is going to happen to me the first night in my grave? What have I prepared for my real home? Will I be in heaven or Hell fire? How often do I remember death? Think about the moment your body is being washed and prepared to enter your grave... Think about the day people will be carrying you to your grave including someone you hated. Your families crying...Think about the moment you are put in your grave. Just imagine...yours elf in your grave...down there in that dark hole... ALONE... its too DARK... you cry for help But there is no answer... Nobody can help you... its too NARROW.. your bones are squashed...You regret all the bad things youve done during your life, you regret missing the 5 PRAYERS DAILY. You regret WASTING YOUR TIME listening to music INSTEAD OF QURAN. You regret your disrespectful manners towards everyone, especially your parents. YOU regret not wearing your hijab displaying your beauty to the public selling your dignity so cheap. You regret ignoring the orders of ALLAH..YOU REGRET IGNORING THE KNOWLDGE OF ISLAM. YOU REGRET ALL THE BAD THINGS YOUVE DONE..THERE IS NO ESCAPE...YOU WILL FACE YOUR PUNISHMENT FOR EVERY LITTLE THING YOUVE DONE...You are ALONE in your grave only with your money, no jewelry, nothing...ONLY YOUR DEEDS..AND WHEN IT IS SHUT, YOU FEEL LIKE SCREEMING AND TELLING EVERYONE NOT TO GO.. TO STAY BESIDE YOUR GRAVE... BUT, YOU CANT BE HEARD..THEY LEAVE YOU AND GO AND YOU HEAR THEIR FOOTSTEPS.. AND HEAR THEM CRYING... THEY WALK AWAY..YOU THOUGHT YOU WOULD LAST FOREVER IN THIS WORLD, YOU THOUGHT YOU WOULD STAY WITH YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILIES FOREVER...YOU THOUGHT YOU WILL HAVE FUN FOREVER... NO YOU WERE WRONG!!! THEY LEFT YOU ALONE...JUST SPEND A FEW MINUTES AND LOOK AT YOUR FUTURE HOMES..AND SPEND THE WHOLE OF YOUR LIFE PREPARING FOR THEM...YOU CAN NOT AFFORD TO IGNORE THIS, YOU NEED TO REMEMBER THIS EVERY MINUTE, EVERY HOUR, EVERY DAY..EVERYTIME YOU ARE ABOUT TO COMMIT A SIN, REMEMBER THE DESTROYER OF PLEASURES: DEATH. MAY ALLAH prevent us from loving this earth and aid us to prepare for our real home, the grave till Judgement day. Aameen.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 13:57:52 +0000

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