Reminder that suicide is not prevented by accusing the suicidal of - TopicsExpress


Reminder that suicide is not prevented by accusing the suicidal of being selfish. People with mental illnesses are sick just like people with physical illnesses are sick, and mental illness can be just as deadly as physical illness. Sometimes people with depression or anxiety or something similar dont get better because they cant, just like sometimes people with lung or heart disease or cancer dont get better because they cant, and making them guilty will never help. Mental illness is debilitating and devastating and it is not selfish to want to be relieved of the pain that it causes. It is not. You do not blame your grandmother for having cancer. You do not blame your father for having lung disease. You do not blame your sister for having kidney failure. Do not blame the mentally ill for being the way that they are. Yelling at your father will not help him breathe. Accusing your mother will not put her in remission. Criticizing your sister will not make her kidneys work. Condemning the mentally ill will not make them want to stay with us. Do not think that they disregard you in their desire for death, as often it is quite the opposite, and they believe that smothering their own flame will allow yours to burn more brightly. If you want to convince a sad person that he should stay, reassure him that you will remain a steady fixture in his ever-changing reality. Help her up. Get her out of bed every day and make sure she washes her hair. Help him find a job and remind him to keep it. Invite her out with you and your friends and make sure that she feels included. Dont let her spend too much time alone. Turn the volume on your phone all the way up and tell him that if he needs you, its okay, he can wake you up at three in the morning just to talk. Tell her your favorite stories, and maybe shell laugh. Take him to the most beautiful places youve seen and show him that there is still something to look forward to every day. Take pictures of her that capture her beauty. Record his delightful laugh and glittering eyes. If you love a sad person, a person who is truly sad deep into his or her bones, hold that persons hand and wade through the oceans with him. Its cold and dark and the current is strong and the tide is unpredictable, she cannot get out alone. Do not accuse him of not trying hard enough. Do not accuse her of feeling sorry for herself. Bandage his cuts and ice her bruises. Tell him that he will be okay. Tell her that she will make it out alive. When youre in the deepest waters, its hard to imagine that somewhere there is a shore.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 04:46:11 +0000

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