Reminiscing about my secondary school days, does moments when we - TopicsExpress


Reminiscing about my secondary school days, does moments when we are through with exams, we will have to stay extra one week to wait on our results and that is the moment when students know the real meaning of broke. At that time we have exhaust our garri and cabin biscuits and now depend on dinning meals for survival. Sometimes we get so hungry because there is nothing to do to while away time and lunch is always at 2pm. I attended one of the best mission secondary school as at that time and I remember this very day when I was in SS 2, I was just 14years,when I, Rejoice Maina, Humshe Yakubu and Alice got so very very hungry. We know much about God and Faith thou (thanks to people like Rev. Matthew Yunana and Papa Jalo who thought us the word at such a tender age). We discussed among ourselves about the hunger issue and came to an agreement that we need to act out our faith, we need to act on what we believe. We talked about the story of the Israelites in the wilderness, on how God miraculously provided them with manna. We opened the passage of the Bible and read it to remind God that He is thesame yesterday, today and forever. We took one big food flask which one of our parents brought food for us during visiting day, washed it and kept it on the upper bonk bed(probably so as to make it closer to heaven). We prayed in Faith to God that he should provide us with a miracle food. God was our witness, we were damn serious because we had faith in what we were doing. Infact, each of us were specific about the type of recipe we want to eat. I cant remember the others choice but I know mine was chicken. I chose chicken because I thought the chicken in heaven is gonna be very very big, bigger than our normal chicken and I imagined myself munching it. We prayed and told our selfs to go to sleep so as not to derail our faith in words or actions if we were awake cos you cant sin while asleep. FORTUNATELY, we woke up hours later, the dining bell rang and woke us up, we opened the flask but there was no food. Right now I am just thinking. Why didnt food appeared upon all the faith we had, upon all the trust we had in God as a miracle worker and provider. I am just thinking, why didnt it happened? ...and the spirit of God replied, SOMETIMES BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR I laughed and laughed and am still laughing. Becareful what you wish for? Then I began to ask my self questions: Were we actually ready for that kind of miracle? Do we really had the capacity to see our prayers answered? If food had appeared in that food flask, were we sincerely gonna eat it or run mad?Hahahaha What would the other students had said? What will the school authority say when they get to hear about our miracle food? Would others believed that we arent cultist students? Wouldnt our school mates forever run away from us? Infact, I believe we would have been expelled from that school because Mr. J.J. KWAGHE will not take that shit from us, no one will believed we prayed, everyone might think we are cultist. So many questions are just running through my mind and I felt I should use this story to ask you, that prayer request you have been praying to God about and it seem God does not care about your plight anymore, are you sure you are capable of receiving the answer to that prayer? Are you sure when it happens you wont run mad? Are you sure you not bitting more than you can chew? Sometimes we say, I wish I had 1million, I wish I am married, I wish I had graduated, I wish I have a car when they happen, are we sure we are ready? I am glad the Bible did not say all things is working together for our good but it says ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR OUR GOOD (I wish you know the difference between work and working) You might have prayed for a car, but are you sure you are capable of maintaining it? You might have have prayed for a wife but are you sure you are ready? You might have said, God, but I have passed waec, I have all the requirements yet no admission, have you asked yourself if your mentality is developed for a higher school? You might have prayed and prayed for a certain issue, fasted, sowed seed, gave offerings, faithful in tithes yet God seem to turn a deaf ear, when the answer to that your request comes, are you sure you have the capacity to handle it? Sometimes I felt God is looking down from above and smiling, nodding his head, chuckling saying to you what you are asking of me will only kill you and I love you so much to kill you with my own hands, you cant carry it sweetheart, you cant carry it And we might think God does not answer prayers anymore or our faith is not strong enough, no, your faith can be as strong as the strongest 3G signal but when God search your capacity and find that you cant carry your answer, he says no until you have develop yourself. Some people might have spend their whole time praying for money, but I believe only a few will survive of heart attack if an alert of 1billion should appear in their account. The knowledge that they have a billion in their account is enough to kill them. May be this is why does sweet miracles that happen in the Bible does not happen anymore. May be this is why! My dear, God has never raised emergency vessels and He will not start it with you.He has never been in a hurry this is why He takes you through a process call spiritual growth and development. Develop yourself. Develop your capacity to receive. Develop your mentality. Jesus said in one of his teachings what I said to one, I say to all DEAR FRIENDS, BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR if God should answer all our prayers, we might die.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 08:30:56 +0000

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