Renew Your Mind to Accept the Grace of God New: You can now - TopicsExpress


Renew Your Mind to Accept the Grace of God New: You can now watch a video of this message by clicking below or by visiting https://new.livestream/rickpina/live/videos/40229967. (Romans 12:2 NLT) Dont copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know Gods will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. This morning we continue our series “Grace that is Simply Amazing.” As I told you yesterday, we are 17 months into this series and we are no where near finishing it. The grace of God is truly amazing. The more I study it, the more I fall in love with God and the more I appreciate His goodness towards me. You might ask, “Rick, why would you take so long on one topic?” The answer is simple, it takes time for us, as humans, to renew our minds - to change the way we think. Coming into this series I had taught on faith for years and the focus of my walk with God was my faith. While that was not necessarily incorrect, it was incomplete and unbalanced. I was not factoring in God’s goodness and grace towards me, and I was far too focused on me and my faith. Studying grace is helping me to change the way I think, in order to have the proper balance between my decisions and God’s sovereignty, between my faith and God’s grace, between what God expects me to do and what He expects me to simply receive. But this change cannot happen overnight. It has been a journey for me and I trust it has also been a journey for you. Let’s talk about the importance of renewing our mind today. So what does this mean to you today? A few things: 1. God’s best is experienced when His plans for your life and your plans for your life are in alignment. When they are not aligned someone has to make a shift. Let me help you out and tell you that God is not going to change. Therefore, you must change. The supernatural is experienced when you make an alignment with God’s assignment for your life. 2. To align with God’s will you must change the way you think. Why? Because when you first come to God: a. You think too small for God. You see limits where God sees an opportunity to manifest His power. b. You are far too quick to allow yourself to fall into condemnation, guilt and shame. This is why you must receive the gift of righteousness, provided to you through Christ Jesus. c. You are quick to get offended and your faith will not work until you receive and become a conduit of God’s love (Gal 5:6). d. You may have also been too selfish. God’s plans are always rooted in love and love is always looking to be a blessing to others. 3. God is always looking to upgrade your thinking. Divine change starts in your mind. a. You don’t change your behavior until you change the way you think. b. You will never BE what you cannot SEE. c. Your legs will never take you where your eyes have never been. 4. The limitless power of God’s grace can only be fully received from a renewed mind (Rom 12:2). a. A renewed mind refuses to factor IN the limits God has already factored OUT. b. A renewed mind keeps its focus on God, on His will and His power. This is how God’s grace is able to freely flow. c. A renewed mind says “Yes” to God and His will, regardless of how humanly impossible it is. d. A renewed mind literally dies to self and willingly lives for God. No matter how big or seemingly impossible God’s plans seem, the renewed mind is always open to attempt what it believes to be Gods will. Before I close, let me ask you a few questions: 1. Has your thinking been hindering God from operating in your life? 2. Have you said, “No” to God, because you don’t feel worthy of the assignment? 3. Have you dismissed the BIG plans God planted in your heart, because you can’t see how they will come to pass? If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, the Father wants you to renew your mind and to die to self, so that He can accomplish His Kingdom plans and purposes in, with and through you. Factor in less of you and more of God. This way you can stop putting a “No” where God put a “Yes” and you can experience the life God wants you to live! Not because you earned it, or deserve it, but only because of God amazing grace! Closing Confession: Father, I thank You for teaching me about Your amazing, immeasurable and inexhaustible grace. I know You made great plans for me before the foundations of the world and I now realize that I have hindered those plans, and I have fought against You, with my fear, doubt and unbelief. I realize I will never maximize the purpose and potential You planted inside of me until I renew my mind. Therefore, by faith, I declare that I get into Your Word daily, I am open to attempt and experience Your plans, and by doing so I will slowly-but-surely renew my mind. I will see myself the way You see me. I will see every challenge through the lens of heaven. I will live my life by faith, but rooted and grounded in Your grace and love towards me. I will stop putting “NOs” where You have put “YESs,” and I will open my heart to the supernatural and the impossible. Many things are impossible with me, but nothing is impossible with You. I submit and surrender to Your Word, Your will and Your way. I die to self, I live for You, and I open my heart and my mind to accept Your best by Your grace. This year shall be the best year of my life. Not because I will earn it or deserve it, but because I will die to self to the point where You can freely flow through me. I decrease, that You may increase in and through me. I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name. Amen. This is Today’s Word! Apply it and Prosper.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 12:14:14 +0000

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