Renowned researcher Stu Phillips recently made a post criticizing - TopicsExpress


Renowned researcher Stu Phillips recently made a post criticizing an article I wrote on the topic of how much protein can be used in a single meal. I fully acknowledge that I should have made a better delineation between the separate goals of maximizing rates of muscle growth versus merely retaining muscle mass, since the latter appears to allow more leeway for lower frequency and/or more skewed distributions of daily protein dosing. Heres the important thing: unbeknownst to Stu, I wrote that article in 2009. In light of my most recent peer-reviewed publications (which I WISH more people would read), I dont think Stu would have even unearthed that zombie, since my current work for the most part does not conflict with his current philosophies. Its been almost 6 years since I wrote that article for wannabebig, and plenty of illuminating data have surfaced since then. However, I still feel that he at least partially misinterpreted the aim of the article, which argued against the idea that anything beyond 20-30 g protein in a single meal goes to waste (Stu zeroed in on the implication that I was giving everyone the green light to eat all of their days protein in a single sitting & expect to maximize muscle growth. NO, that was not the point I was trying to make. I posed the question to Stu that if a 90 kg person consumed 150 g protein/day (1.66 g/kg) in three 50 g doses, would he be wasting 60 g of it? He agreed with me that its not being wasted - but he also added the disclaimer that its not being used to synthesize more protein. I would contend that the research to-date on this issue is not definitive enough to make any strong claims or cautious against protein exceeding 20-40 g as non-contributory to muscle growth, or merely wasted (for a current review on that, see: With all of that said, I appreciate Stus graciousness in engaging discussion, and also conceding that its much more productive to challenge someones current views vs. those that are nearly 6 years old. Im quite confident in my assumption that BOTH of our views have evolved since 2009.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 22:20:55 +0000

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