Rep. Collins When is it the Right Time? “When is it going to - TopicsExpress


Rep. Collins When is it the Right Time? “When is it going to be the right time to do the right thing instead of doing the wrong thing because it isnt the right time?” Ron Hooper The above quote is from my friend Ron. Ron, like many in the tea party, is extremely frustrated with Representative Doug Collins and most of the Georgia delegation. Rep. Collins sold us when he ran the first time that he believed in the Constitution. Those of you that were following that race from the early stages may recall that the Constitution was not a major issue until the appearance of Roger Fitzpatrick. Roger got in late, but totally changed the focus of Doug’s campaign. It is time those of us that believe in Constitutionally Limited Government, Free Markets, and Fiscal Responsibility, i.e. tea party values, stop and look at the tea party we attend and at the leaders of our groups. We must ask ourselves a question. Do our tea party and its leaders support these concepts consistently OR are we selective in when we support them. Go back to the opening sentence, “When is it going to be the right time to do the right thing instead of doing the wrong thing because it isnt the right time?” We have people in the tea party that are claiming that because there “are some good things” in the CROminibus Bill that Doug Collins and Tom Graves voted the right way, and this was a tactical move to further the power of the Republican Party for 2016. So I’ll repeat the question a third time, “When is it going to be the right time to do the right thing instead of doing the wrong thing because it isnt the right time?” And ask this question, do the American people benefit ANYTIME the parties violate the Constitution? My answer is NO! Violating our Constitution, no matter how good sounding the reasoning is, takes away our liberty and contributes to the destruction of America as it was founded. Unless you can quote a higher principle than following the principles of our Constitution (which come from the Declaration of Independence, which come from God) then you have no reason to violate its premise. This attitude of forgiveness for Rep. Collins and Graves IS A REPUBLICAN PARTY CONCEPT INTENDED TO KEEP REPUBLICANS IN POWER AT ALL COST TO OUR LIBERTIES! IT IS NOT A TEA PARY THOUGHT PROCESS. If your leaders or the group you’re associated with believes acceptance of these two representatives’ votes on this bill is the correct way to proceed, then I submit that you have joined a wing of the Republican Party, and not a tea party. The tea party came into existence simply because it had become so obvious to the average voter that the Republican Party had lost its way, and elected Republicans had ceased to vote based on what the Republican Party Platform stated. Had the Republican Party continued to display true conservative principles it espoused, the tea party would never have formed. This is the reason that many in the Republican Party do not like the tea party. None of us enjoys being called out when we stray from what we claim to believe. I would urge you to find the time to listen to the following video. Derrick Grayson talks about these very issues. We will not return America to its founding principles following the logic that tactics supersedes voting constitutionally. Derrick Grayson addresses Dawson County Tea Party…:
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 18:45:47 +0000

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