Repaid from Heaven [Tuesday, September 2] “Remember that I - TopicsExpress


Repaid from Heaven [Tuesday, September 2] “Remember that I repay and give back all you have given to the poor. For your gifts are in your heavenly account and ready to be withdrawn through prayer in your time of need.” Prophetic Scripture: He that hath pity on the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again (Proverbs 19:17). God has many different attributes, but many Scriptures describe God in the business banking sense. Jesus said to lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven (see Matt. 6:19-20). In other words, He was saying to make deposits in Heaven. In this context, He was talking about giving money into heavenly things, including giving to the poor. He was saying that God keeps a record of what we have deposited. Then Paul, talking to the Philippians about giving offerings into his ministry, said that he wanted them to do so not just so he could receive a gift, but also so that fruit would abound to their account (see Phil. 4:17). What account was he speaking of? Their heavenly account of deposit! Proverbs 19:17 shows us that not only can we deposit into a heavenly bank account, but we can expect to withdraw from one, particularly when we give to the poor. Paul emphasized this truth to the church at Macedonia in Second Corinthians 9:6, again regarding offerings for his ministry, when he tells them “he which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly.” In modern terms he was saying, “He who deposits a little will only be able to withdraw a little.” Know today that the Lord will repay every gift given and in your own time of need you will have a full heavenly account to draw from! Prayer: Father, I thank You that as I give to the poor and into Your Kingdom work in various places, I am filling my heavenly account. Lord, show me where to sow a seed today and I thank You that You will repay again! In Jesus’ Name, amen. Taken from The Daily Prophecy devotional book published by Destiny Image. For a complete collection of Brenda Kunnemans daily prophecies, click here to order The Daily Prophecy. Print Recent Daily Prophecies: Tuesday, September 2
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 01:45:00 +0000

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