Replacement Of CRPF Camp A Victory Of Peoples Movement In Shopian - TopicsExpress


Replacement Of CRPF Camp A Victory Of Peoples Movement In Shopian though a half step to justice :Er Rasheed Describing replacement of CRPF from Gargan camp as first step to victory of the on going public uprising in Shopian President Awami Ittihaad Party AIP and MLA Langate Er Rashid has congratulated people of Shopian and said that it is because of their huge sacrifices, strong commitment and sincere dedication that the govt. has been forced to get CRPF out of the notorious camp. In a press statement issued today Er Rashid said. “The people of Shopian and adjoining areas have shown the right path to Kashmiri politicians that how to make a genuine public movement a success. No political party hailing from any political ideology should claim the credit of success of getting CRPF replaced. The brave people despite all difficulties and atrocities have made the state govt. to surrender before their genuine demand and deserve appreciation. They stood up against all odds and compelled the arrogant state govt. to surrender. Though justice for the innocents martyred in Shopian is yet a distant dream and the decision to get CRPF out is only a half step to justice but people of Shopian and others who have some conscience, have a reason to claim the victory. It is high time for the govt. to arrest the killers in uniform and proceed against them without any excuse or other wise should be ready to face the public anger which will ultimately make it to surrender before people.” He further added that mainstream and separatist politicians must learn a lesson from the people of Shopian who despite having different political ideologies, showed New Delhi and its puppets the strength of a people’s movement. If the politicians will not come out of their drawing rooms and will just work on remote controls and will want people to fallow them blindly, they must be sure that it will never happen and people of the state will bypass the leaders as happened in 2008 and 2010 and will compel India to get Jammu and Kashmir dispute resolved as they often feel that while some politicians hijack their indigenous movement while others instead representing Kashmir in Delhi have been shamefully representing Delhi in Kashmir.
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 13:48:13 +0000

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