Replacing your vehicles Timing Belt or Cam Belt as it’s also - TopicsExpress


Replacing your vehicles Timing Belt or Cam Belt as it’s also known, can sometimes be a costly exercise depending on what type of vehicle you have. The labour costs of removing the existing belt and installing a new one, add to the cost, and sometimes other mechanical parts that are starting to fatigue are spotted and recommended to be replaced at the same time. When all of these costs add up your bank balance can take a bit of a battering. Generally a Timing Belt replacement when installed by a mechanic on average can take anywhere from 2 to 6 hours with the total cost somewhere in between $250 and $850. Now I know you are thinking, “no way am I going to spend that on my vehicle”, but a Timing Belt failure can cause your vehicle major engine damage, which will be a lot more expensive than replacing the belt when you should have. Not only that a Timing Belt failure could also cause you to have an accident and no one wants to see that happen.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 21:26:12 +0000

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