Reply: kevin brookshire Yesterday 9:08 PM TO: Amy Stearnes - TopicsExpress


Reply: kevin brookshire Yesterday 9:08 PM TO: Amy Stearnes And again; This has all the usual hallmarks of a conspiracy theory: It attempts to shoehorn events that have happened, and are happening, into its predictive framework, particularly with references to films being used to prep people psychologically for the conspiracys dramatic conclusion. It shows a lack of comprehension of the practical psychology of those who are not paranoid. It plays on fears of alleged advanced technology that most people, including its author, do not understand. The theory itself cobbles together past conspiracy tropes, starting from paranoia and progressing to technologically implausible plans with motivations that literally do not make any sense. Your statements regarding: the Feminist Agenda, Gay Agenda and Obama Care as you word it still offer no valid facts as proof but simple opinion without reason at all. I have a grip alright! This like so many plays at fear among other tactics which only helps solidify that belief. How many times through out history has fear played a key role in control of the greater public? A great deal of times and you know it! Without little to no validation to these kinds of claims. They are attempts to control those of weaker mind and belief. Often successful for a period of time as history dictates to us. The Catholic Church, the Spanish Inquisition and all Religions in general, just to name but a few for the moment. People fear what they neither understand or cannot comprehend. Its within our nature to do so. This allows others with delusions of grandeur to impose a systematic fear to instill control and to maintain its purpose! Clear and simple. I see no evidence within this story or others like it to maintain such a real threat or danger to a greater population. Supposition does not replace fact and opinion is open ended at best. Much like a theory until proven otherwise and accepted as fact until challenged or amended. And believe me, I have woken up to many different things Ive looked into or researched personally in the past. Evidence and facts speak volumes as opposed to manipulative speculation tossed around like some simple salad! And most tests involving subliminal placement or messaging has yet to be proven as an effective means of control or even reaching higher functions of the human mind. And when it comes to your wait times for medical care. I would disagree with you 100% on that issue. My wait times have not increased but have managed to remain the same prior to the AHCA. I could wait as long as a month to see my Doctor before the passing of that law. Now it is often less or sometimes the same. And as far as costs, I would disagree with you and others who claim otherwise. Nobody has been able to provide hard proof of sky rocketing costs associated with this law either. Again it is all propaganda at best definition! Cooked up by people who are unhappy about something greater than this reality... To claim that I simply comment haphazardly without being informed or having a familiarity with the material seems again to back up the practical psychology or lack of it in these cases. Fear and paranoia are powerful motives that drive these beliefs. If a sense of logic and reason were applied to counter such expressed paranoia it would go along way in making a case! Instead, it falls into the same conspiracy fueled agenda lacking even its own comprehension. And for the moment.....offer up some of what I have been lied too about if you could, please? Some examples to which you refer instead of a broad generality being presented. Am I to believe that everything includes: even where Babies come from, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny too? Or is this relegated to politics, religion, and general Dogma being its supportive narrative? I only ask for simple evidence or mere facts that would support such claims. Not speculation, supposition or here-say as your means of validation in these matters. The real power thats behind it all hates and despises us and wants to eliminate every single human being on this planet. Are you asserting this statement as an Anti-Christ figure who according to most will play a key role in the end of days scenario and Armageddon itself? Or that combination of things that define some unseen entity bent on Mankinds demise? And I have watched the events in Ferguson a great deal and have been an outspoken critic of Police methods and tactics when dealing with civilians and situations. This case is no different than a majority of others. Except it has been harder for the Police to simply dismiss or excuse the actions of one of their own. While trying to maintain a visibility of trust and respect for those it is supposed to Protect and Serve. It often seems to waiver in that respect all to often. But that issue and others related to it are a different subject for a different time I think. Its not too much to ask is it for simple proof of these claims? Or is it just easier to play this cryptic little game of innuendo between us? Throw me a bone would you! And I will have a nice day! Thanks and you do the same!
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 15:18:12 +0000

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