Report of The First Executive Meeting Of THE GREAT OAK - TopicsExpress


Report of The First Executive Meeting Of THE GREAT OAK FAMILY Date :5th October., 2014 Venue :Mamobi Executives present 1.Prince Mensah (DC Chairman) 2. Henry Martey(PRO) 3. Maxwell Akpabli(G. Admin) 4. Addo Morton(G. Secretary) Before the starting of the meeting, Maxwell(Admin) explained to the house the reason for change of venue from Afrikiko to Mamobi(Admins house). He said, the change of venue was necessary because most executives were not present due to reasons best known to them. The house understood him and started the meeting at exactly 3:55 p.m. Opening prayer was said by Addo Morton But before the main agenda, Prince Mensah suggested that the should be a reshuffled in the executive and the house accepted his suggestion. -AGENDA OF THE DAY 1. To design a logo for our group(The Great Oak family) 2. How to rise money to register our group 3. The executive must have uniform ----- Discussions -------- The executive must have a polo shirt, with our logo, motto and slogan for our meetings. It was agreed that Prince will sketch the logo of the group for consideration and also Maxwell will be incharge of printing of the logo, moreover, Prince will be incharge of the registration of the group. It was agreed that the Polo shirt will be printed after, the group has gotten its logo and motto and the next meeting is schedule to be in November, (i.e the executive will meet once ever month) *Other Matters -It was agreed that all the executives will start paying monthly dues of Ghc 5.00 -the house also agreed that the group must make a donation to our brother Dee Jeey and the donation must be made through MTN Mobile Money. All the members of the executive shall donate Ghc 20. 00 and other members of The Great Oak Family shall donate Ghc 10. 00 each.The number for the collection of the donation will be put on the main platform a day after the meeting(i.e 6th October 2014). *At a exactly 5:26 p.m. a motion to close meeting was moved by Maxwell(Chairman of the meeting) and it was seconded by Prince. Chairmans closing remarksfirst of all, I w thank almighty God for making this meeting a success, secondly I thank all of you who were able to make it to our first meeting, in fact we had a fruitful discussion that will move our group forward and to be a recognize group of supporters of our great club Accra Hearts Of Oak. I hope we will implement all that we discussed, I also hope and pray the we will get a full house in our next meeting come next month. Once again, I thank you all, may God guide n protect us till we meet next moth. Long Live Ghana, Long live Phobia and Long live The Great Oak Family Closing prayer was said by Henry Martey(PRO) Report compiled by Addo Morton(G. Secretary ) James Afukey Alfredson Reporting
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 11:58:41 +0000

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