Reported on Political Ears. I dont know if it is true, but would - TopicsExpress


Reported on Political Ears. I dont know if it is true, but would not doubt it in the least..... Remember when Obama committed treason by bypassing Congress and swapping five high-value detainees for one American traitor? Remember the speech Obama gave last week telling Americans that we must take on ISIS? Put together the two and you have a case for charges of treason against Barack Hussein Obama. It is being reported that at least 3 of the 5 detainees involved in the swap have joined ISIS in Syria and Iraq as commanders and are using that rank to usher in an Islamic Caliphate (a Sunni Islamic Theocracy - contrary to Obamas claims that ISIS is not Islamic). The Taliban 5 who were transferred from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to custody in Doha, Qatar, are Mohammad Fazl, Khairullah Khairkhwa, Abdul Haq Wasiq, Norullah Noori, and Mohammad Nabi Omari. They have largely disappeared from view since they were dropped off in Doha, but eyewitnesses place Fazi, Wasiq, and Noori in Iraq and Syria fighting with ISIS. This confirms our worst fears when the swap took place. One Constitutional expert believes that this is a clear and historical example of presidential treason. Article 2 of the Constitution clearly states that treason is the act of giving aid or comfort to the enemy - or that of waging war against the United States, says Constitutional Law professor Ron Bear. It is clear that Barack Obama broke the law - even his own Government Accountability Office says that the law was broken in regards to the (Bergdahl) swap. Now you have the best radical Islamic generals returning to the battlefield to wage war against the United States. American blood is definitely on the hands of this president, and it probably rises to the Constitutional challenge of treason - or at least high crimes. Will we see impeachment proceedings against Barack Obama? At the moment It is highly unlikely. If Obama were a Republican, there would be calls for his head, but I digress.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 22:13:12 +0000

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