Reports are coming in that the first Ebola case in the US is at - TopicsExpress


Reports are coming in that the first Ebola case in the US is at the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas, officials have confirmed just a short time ago. Texas, health officials say the CDC is dispatching a team right away to Presbyterian Hospital. The CDC says the male and family, traveled from West Africa. (Ebola update) 23:05 GMT : CDC says they dont believe theres a risk to others who traveled on plane with Dallas Ebola patient from Liberia; he had no symptoms at the time. What Is Ebola? The Ebola virus is described as a group of viruses that cause a deadly kind of hemorrhagic fever. The term hemorrhagic fever means it causes bleeding inside and outside the body. The virus has a long incubation period of approximately eight to 21 days. Early symptoms include fever, muscle weakness, sore throat and headaches. As the disease progresses, the virus can impair kidney and liver function and lead to external and internal bleeding. It’s one of the most deadly viruses on Earth with a fatality rate that can reach between approximately 50 to 90 percent. There is no cure but medication is being tested.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 21:28:19 +0000

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