Repost: Be Holy Leviticus 11:44: For I am the LORD your God: ye - TopicsExpress


Repost: Be Holy Leviticus 11:44: For I am the LORD your God: ye shall therefore sanctify yourselves, and ye shall be holy; for I am holy: neither shall ye defile yourselves with any manner of creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. The whole idea behind the verse Leviticus 11:44 drove me crazy… I want you to know that I would plead with God in prayer over this verse about the problem with sin. Struggling about the idea of sin, I would say to God that I understood how He could be holy, but the idea of walking away from sinfulness seemed to be the most impossible concept. To give you an example of my stress over this subject, I would read several books and meet with my church pastor occasionally to discuss this issue and still be so perplexed. Was God “for real” when He said for us to be holy? So I pled with God in prayer many times saying that I thought the idea of being holy was definitely a good one, but I just did not see how the average person could conquer this one. However, I did often pray reminding God that whoever hungered and thirsted after righteousness would be filled. I knew that truth was in the Bible although I still did not comprehend it. Matthew 5:6: Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. One day, God gave me an earth-shattering “light bulb” moment after a lot of frustrating contemplation about this subject. It dawned on me that God is Holy and pure 100 percent of the time…just like the needle on a compass, that always points North. If you are lost in a woods and you have a compass with a reliable needle that always points to the North, you can find your way out of the forest. God is like that reliable compass needle that points North without fail. It also occurred to me that in hell, there would be nobody or nowhere to turn for complete truth. There will be no truth in hell, no compass that always points North. There is less and less truth found in even this world today. At that moment, I grasped that you cannot pursue that which you do not cherish. Then I realized what a limited commodity truth, justice, righteousness, purity, and holiness is in this life and completely void in hell. Suddenly I had this intense emotion about how significant God’s holiness is and how important it is that He has always been and is always consistently pure and holy. This truth hit me so intensely between my eyes that for days I would weep when I thought about how much I truly valued and cherished God’s righteousness and holiness. God has never been anything at anytime but perfect, pure, just, righteous, good, sinless, and holy. He always will be holy and you can count on it. What else anywhere can you ever count on but that? Where can you ever turn to find one who represents absolute justice, absolute truth, absolute purity, and absolute holiness except for God?
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 23:56:35 +0000

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