Repost Continued........Secret of Sri Yantra - part 21 The - TopicsExpress


Repost Continued........Secret of Sri Yantra - part 21 The Secret of Sri Yantra - Part 21 By Vashisht Vaid on Friday, March 29, 2013 at 11:39pm The Secret of Sri Yantra – Part 21 Although there are 10 creator logos [Prajapati’s] exist as the 10 energy distribution centers in the current manifested body of the cosmic entity known as our “creator solar logos”, technically there are only 9 Prajapati’s, as the Shani Prajapati’s [Saturn] evolving consciousness plays a double role in our Solar Universe, being a member of the higher three synthesizing Prajapati’s [Creator Logos] group, as well as the member of the seven lower group of “Prajapatis”[Creator logos], thus playing both the roles of Shiv and Shakti in the form of Yami and Yama. These Nine creator logos [Prajapatis] consciousness energy is thus related to the Nine covers [Avarnas] of the cosmic instrument known as Sri Yantra. Shani Prajapati [Saturn Scheme Creator Logos], is the also the positive energy giver in our solar system existing as the first aspect of the swooned Shiva due to Halahala poisoning to manifest as Varaha [Vishnu Avatara], and thus acting also both the roles of Vishnu and Brahma through the manifested Varaha avatar. This cosmic fact has been codified in the ancient depiction of the same One consciousness existing in their original form as Trimurti, which was changed later on to be depicted in individualized forms by the corrupt hierarchy of the planet earth, who hijacked the beautiful evolution for their own deceitful agendas thus making it a planet of pain and sufferings. So in reality all three differentiated energies of our Sor Mandala [Solar System] depicted in the Para Bindu of Sri Yantra are the differentiations of the same One consciousness. All the great Avataras who incarnated upon planet earth propagated this same message that God is One, were not given any type of comfortable lives by the corrupt planetary earths hierarchy, who sadistically enjoyed their pain and suffering sitting in their invisible realms, but later in whose names the so called god - men or Mathadishas and various types of Church Leaders claiming to members of their lineages are now having a life of luxury with all modern amenities, who wisely preach to others, that the physical body and its pleasures do not matter, but are themselves are more interested to create more temples and ashrams and various foundations to glorify their own religious institutions rather than living the simple way of life of these great Avataras, in whose name they have generated multi million dollar business, including the sale days of the retail stores who make indirectly great sums of money related to their so called birth days and other days of their life events. The great Sai Baba of Shirdi while living a simple depleted life shared the same secret message of wisdom to all Sabka Malik Ek, or there is only One Creator God and None Other, a concept which unfortunately is not followed by even those who claim to be his devotees as they worship multitude of gods and goddesses on the side. Saturn [Shani] being the first elongated conscious part of the 1st cosmic aspect Uranus, the true manifested father aspect of unknowable Solar Logos desire mind consciousness of our solar system, whose manifested body is known as our current Solar universe system [Sor Mandala], which is evolving based upon the 2nd cosmic ray of attraction and repulsion [love and wisdom], an cosmic attribute of the 2nd cosmic aspect known as “Maha Vishnu”, and Shani [Saturn] is thus known known as the Surya Putra [Son of Sun God]. As Saturn is playing the role of Surya Putra” , or the second conscious aspect of the solar Logos” , he is thus also known as the Dharamaraja or the upholder of the universal law of “will to do Good” in our solar System, but he was despised by his strict behavior by all those, who did not wanted to follow this universal law of will to do Good, and thus collectively conspired against him, and when he appeared in the Krishna Avatara, to start with the so called corrupt planetary hierarchy gave him a birth in a prison and then have to be carried through the swollen waters of Yamuna river [Codified for the liquid magnetic Astral Plane vibration frequencies] in the middle of the night, and even that was not enough, the sadistic planetary hierarchy composed of so called devi/devtas went on sending so called negative shaktis like Putna to kill him . Then at the appropriate time of Mahabhartha war, he acting as the supreme Trimurti consciousness in the form of Vishnu Avatara preached the codified essence of universe to his disciple friend Arjuna, which is now known as Bhagwad Gita. But later these negative demonic Shaktis infiltrated his followers and propagated Ras lila or other story type puranas than the straight forward true teachings of Bhagwad Gita everywhere. These are the same negative or Ausric shaktis, instead of the real motherly energies of Sri yantra who deceitfully propagated Bali Pratha or wrongful killing of the innocent animals as offering to the Divine Mother through the propagation of Asuric [Demonic] writings, whom people have innocently taken as great rishis, but who are in fact demons or Rakshas existing in their Mayavi Rupas to appear in human forms, propagating the unlawful killing those innocent creatures who are not able to protect themselves and depend upon human beings for their daily survival, as they do not do Bali [Sacrifice] of ferocious animals as Lions, tigers, Bears etc, who are not easy to capture, and who can give them a good fight. One great point to remember No Human Mother having a loving motherly heart will approve of killing innocent animals in the name of worship, until and unless they are having demonic consciousness [ausric vrittis] living in human forms. When you bathe a Sri Yantra in animal blood or do its consecration through animal blood which is totally wrong, either upon the Shristi marga or Samhara Marga, like in many places of India it is now being openly done, it becomes a great tool of Asuras [Demons] to work with the negative powers or Ausric Shaktis, who are totally against the universal law of will to do good For a practitioner yogi of the Sri Yantra, the “Hrim” sound existing in its overtone form as “Ham” represents the conscious flow of Prana [Vitality] in the Sun Energy channel or in the “Surya Nadi”, which exists known as “Pingla Nadi”in the vital or Pranic body [Pranamaya Kosha] , and the “Shrim” sound existing in its overtone as “Sa” or “Souh” represents the conscious flow of prana [Vitality] in the Moon Energy Channel or in the “Chandra Nadi”, which s also known as the “Ida Nadi”. The continuous automated flow of these vital energies [Prana] through unconscious inhale and exhale make the sound of Hamsa”, and when this automated vital energy flow is consciously controlled by a practitioner, then this control through conscious mind creates the unhindered sound vibration of “Saham” or “Soham”, which is known as the “Ajapa Gayatri”. Those hermaphrodite deva/devi’s represented in the “Avarnas” or the Mandala’s of the cosmic instrument “Sri Yantra”, who work with the conscious energies of Moon through its daily changing phases [Nitya Kalas] are known as the form giving “Lunar Pitris” [The Sanskrit word Pitris means the forefathers]. Those Sri Yantra practitioners [sadhakas]who have learnt Yoga Sutras of Maharishi Patanjali and also practice them, are aware of this basic fact that the ones higher consciousness exists in the top portion of the egg shaped aura around their body about one hand up known as the SahasraDal Padma meaning the thousand petal lotus commonly known as the Sahasrar chakra, which is the real Seer [Drashta] during their incarnated personality lives, with which one consciously come in contact through consciously listening to this humming sound of Hamsa , which is produced through exhaling as the Ham sound, and Sa sound through inhaling, and due to continuous breathing it appears to sound as Hamsa. But Hamsa sound is being created unconsciously all the time by all breathing animals during their incarnated lives, and during such unconscious breathing it does not produce a proper laya or a vibration frequency, but a practitioner can consciously change this pattern through reversing of the sound of Hamsa as Saham or Soham, which is then known as the Hamsa Gayatri. This Soham sound creates the uninterrupted continuous flow of prana without any disruptions forming a pranic or vitality laya [Frequency] known as Ajapa or Hamsa Gayatri sound making the practitioner a Laya Yogi. Through the continuous practice of this type of Pranayama a stage automatically comes in the life of a practitioner when the inhale and exhale of vital energy [Prana] gets finally balanced or harmonized, which spontaneously appears as the ceasing of inhale or exhale of the prana, known as the state of Kevalakumbhak, thus making the mind thought less, thus making a practitioner to become a yogi. This has been described in Sanskrit by Maharishi Patanjali as Chitta Vrithi Nirodha iti Yogyam meaning when the mind becomes thoughtless from desire consciousness then it is know as the state of yoga or joining with ones own higher consciousness, which is a tiny reflected part of the Creator Logos Monadic consciousness also known as Paramatma. One, this word referred to a Practitioner also goes through the stages of becoming a Hatha Yogi, in which the Ha sound depicts the warmness of the solar ray energy which works with Apana energy and the tha sound depicts the coldness of the moon energy as it corresponds to the Sa or Souh sound of moon energies and it works with the Prana energy, and when both Prana and Apana become balanced by uniting in the middle or in the Sushumana Nadi of the Pranic body [Manomaya Kosha] . when the Kundalini Shakti from the base center [Muladhara Chakra] having the sound of Shakti Bija [M], and unites with the sound of the Shiva Bija [O] in the Shasrar Chakra, the practitioner becomes a Raja Yogi. In our solar universe [Brahmanda], corresponding to the evolving consciousness of the 10 Prajapatis [creator logos], there are a total of 10 types of vital energies called Pranas. In the case of a human being 5 of these pranic or vital energies work with the throat center [Vishuddha Chakra] and other lower centers [chakras]below it, while the other five vital energies work through the higher energy distribution centers which exist above the throat center [Vishuddha Chakra], whch are not known to many people. These vital energies are known as [1] Prana, [2] Apana, [3] Vyana, [4] Samana, [5] Uddana, [6] Naaga, [7] Koorma, [8] Krikara, [9] Devadatta, and [10] Dhananjaya. In this cosmic vital/physical plane, the playful cosmic energy known as “Lalita” when moves from the “Para Bindu” which is consciously established by the Antariksh Param Drashta” [Cosmic Absolute Seer] of the infinite universe[ Brahmanda] also known as the Supreme Being in the Adi solar plane of the cosmic ethereal fabric of cosmic vital/physical plane at the start of the grand experiment to manifest and then subsequently exist as a “Sor Mandla” [solar System] , she thus move upon the “Shristi Krama” or upon the path of creation known as the Shrishti Marga, In Shrishti Krama or Marga, the universal conscious energy moves gradually outward for its animation upon the 3 dense solar planes of cosmic vial/physical plane which are known as the three domains or Tri puras, and In the Samhara Krama or Marga, when the conscious is mounted upon the ascending arc of the Kaal Chakra [wheel of Time], the universal consciousness energy moves gradually inward synthesizing gradually in these three domains [Tri Puras] to become again part of the collective consciousness of the Supreme cosmic Force. (8) The eighth cover [Avaranam] of Sri Yantra is known as Sabindu Trikonam or just Trikonam: The eighth Avarnam is known as Sabindu Trikonam, meaning the triangle which holds the point [Para Bindu], The color vibration frequency of this triangle is yellow like the Solar Sun, and the energy distribution center or Chakra is known as the Sarva siddhi prada Chakra, meaning the energy center which ‘grants all types of perfections or siddhis’. The collective consciousness energy is known as Ati Rahasya Yogini, meaning the one who is of very secretive consciousness. The mental state of the practitioner is known as Nitidhyasanam. The governing energy of this energy distribution center or the Chakra Iswari is known as Tripuramba having three main energies [Saktis] known as Kameshwari etc. The three points of this triangle are known as Apara Bindus [Outer points of the central point Para Bindu], who are named as [1] Shrishti, which is related to Creation depicting the Brahma aspect through Vaikhari sound, [3] Stithi, which is related to Preservation depicting the Vishnu aspect through Madhyama sound, and [3] Laya, which is related to Dissolution depicting the Shiva aspect through Pashyanti sound. This very important energy center [chakra] correspond to the Indirayoni chakra of the pranic human body [Prana Maya Kosha], which is also known as the Alta Major center which exist in the Lambika or in the Medulla oblongata area of the physical body [Anna Maya Kosha]. To Be Continued... Vashisht Vaid. Master of Masters
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 13:56:24 +0000

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