Repost ... fixed some grammar ... sorry. PERSONAL TOLL / PERSONAL - TopicsExpress


Repost ... fixed some grammar ... sorry. PERSONAL TOLL / PERSONAL GOAL Please allow me to tally something personal ... something that I have personally had to endure. Not for anyone to feel sorry for me, but for me to grow and understand the experience of physical life. So here we go ... Birth defect / congenital heart block, mediterranean blood disorder / Thalassemia, mumps, chicken pox, measles, mononucleosis / Epstein Barr, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Cat Scratch Fever / Bartonella, Bells Palsy, Lyme Disease, Osgood Schlatters Disease, cardiac arrhythmia, heart murmur, and many others along the way. Multiple car accidents, multiple falls, back, neck and hip injuries, multiple concussions, head injury with permanent cognitive damage to frontal lobes, spinal disc injuries, leg injury from falling thru a boat dock, and too many others I simply cant recall. At least 9 cardiac surgeries including multiple ablations, multiple pacemaker, defibrillator, and cardio-resync implants, internal wiring with screws in my heart from my back, behind, my lungs, and through my sides, completely pacer dependant with no natural means to pace my heart. These procedures have gone well beyond the two million dollar mark. I died in an ambulance on 12/28/12 and was revived to find myself heading into emergency cardiac surgery, then a much more intrcicate procedure on 3/1/13 giving me a total of 12 days in ICU and immeasurable pain during recovery. And ... I am still here. I’ve never been better. Life is awesome ... a gift to experience. All these events have led me to where I am and who I am. All we ever really have is THIS MOMENT. Stop worrying about what was and what may not be and begin to enjoy NOW. You are a spiritual being experiencing a physical existence. Make the most of it ... for yourself, and everyone else.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 22:42:47 +0000

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