Repost from cousin, Angie Neal Brown: Please pray for our son - TopicsExpress


Repost from cousin, Angie Neal Brown: Please pray for our son Keith. He was in a head-on collision this morning. We still havent seen him yet but been told one broke femur & possibly the other leg also, one arm but more serious is a laceration on the forehead with a fractured skull. Waiting for all doctors to decide course of action but we already know he will have to have surgery! BEGGING GOD FOR HIS MERCY ON OUR PRECIOUS SON TODAY AND ASKING ALL TO STOP & PRAY! — Theyve taken him to surgery. We were able to see him first & holy cow he looks awful as expected. Its an open compressed fracture to the skull in the front and a piece in his brain. They will try to put screws in his legs & arm to stabilize them till they can do surgery later. His left femur is an open break too as well as a huge gash across the right knee and the right lower leg/ankle is broke.... The left upper arm is broke along with several facial bones. They told us infection will be a number one concern following the surgery for the head and other areas so our prayers especially need to go there too. We appreciate all the tons of people praying for this incredible man! He has overcome a brain tumor and we know our God will continue to to take care of him. Ortho came out & said theyve thoroughly cleaned all of his open wounds & will worry about fixing them later. Surgery called out & said the neuro was still working on him and that plastics would be taking over soon. Still asking & appreciating all of the many prayers & shares for more prayers. Please keep them coming! The neuro surgeon came out & told us hes done & behind that huge gash Keith had a section of broken skull that was pushed back into the right front side of his brain. Because of the damage they had to remove part of that brain tissue. And since he is right handed he should have less effects from that than if it had been on the other side. At this point we will take that as a blessing. He really couldnt tell us much more other than to watch closely and see what happens. That just leaves the door wide open for God to show off and grant the prayers of so many people that we are blessed to have praying for him. Thank you all and please continue to remember him as you lay down tonight & wake up tomorrow! Our God is able! Surgery is finished. The plastic surgeon said he worked hard to fit his frontal skull pieces back together with just a few bits missing. They said the middle area will need to wait a few days before they do surgery to fix it. Lower face & jaw are still intact & ok. He is still in recovery & said they had to give him a lot of blood. We have not been able to see him yet but waiting with every ounce of faith we have. We are all so thankful for the tremendous amount of prayers & would ask that they continue. If he stays stable through the night they said ortho will be addressing his multiple breaks tomorrow- and we still dont even know how many there are yet! Please pray with us. Thanks!!
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 02:45:58 +0000

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