Repost from yesterday. I cannot believe this had less than 1,000 - TopicsExpress


Repost from yesterday. I cannot believe this had less than 1,000 views, and less than 10 likes. Come on people. I know we can do better than that! From Mary Wilcox, Josephs sister in law. Wife of Jack Wilcox. On June 8, 2014; our lives changed forever. On that day we all woke up and proceeded with our day like we normally do. Then the unimaginable happened. Joseph went to Wal-Mart and never came home. We had learned 12 hours later that he was fatally shot by some insane person that didnt even have the guts to look him in the face when this person (and I use that term loosely) gunned him down from behind. The world has him down as a hero for putting his life on the line for the rest of the employees and customers that day in Wal-Mart. But let me tell you, to his family and friends he was our own private hero before anyone even knew who he was. Joseph usually stayed to himself, but he loved going to the movies with his sister, CJ. And loved going to the gun range with his brother, Jack. He also loved giving his sister, Angel, a hard time. But that was all part of who he was. We all had our own unique and special relationship with Joseph. But for now, I am going to talk about my own special relationship with Joseph. I met Joseph back in 2001. I am not sure he knew what to think of me at first, because, well, I am a bit strange and have a colorful personality . But, I think I grew on him. I remember one time, about a year or so after I married Jack, he came over to me and leaned on my shoulder and said, didnt you used to be taller then me? I had to smile at him and just said probably. I am also obsessed with taking pictures, and as everyone that knew him knows, he hates his picture taken so every time I would take his picture he would say f*** you, Mary or I hate you, Mary with a semi grin on his face. We all knew he didnt mean it. But it was fun getting a rise out of him anyway. I also remember times when he was in the kitchen trying to do something and I would jump up behind him with my goofy expression on my face and my fists up saying do ya wanna fight. He would look at me, laugh, and say get away from me. I had never heard him say the words I love you. to anyone in all the time I knew him, but you just knew he loved all his family and friends. If someone were to mess with anyone he cared about, you just knew he would have your back. He had a very colorful vocabulary.. and If something upset him, he did not hesitate to let you and everyone around him know he was upset. Joseph was a very caring and passionate person. He always stood up for what he believed, no matter the cost. On June 22, 2014; we said our final farewells to this one of a kind person. The world has him down as a hero, but to his family and friends he is more then that. He was a grandson, son, brother, nephew, uncle, and friend. Because of some insane act of violence, we lost a part of ourselves that will never be made whole again. On June 25, 2014; we did not even have any real time to grieve over the passing of Joseph and Grandma (Jacks grandma) passed away from a massive heart attack. We all know she passed away because she had a broken heart over her grandsons death. She was such a caring and compassionate person. From the very first day I met her she always treated me like one of her grand kids that she had known forever. She always told me she was so thankful to God for letting her live to see her three girls grow up. Then she would go on to say she is so grateful she got to see her grand kids grow up. Then she would go on saying she is just so blessed to see her great grand kids. She was always just so proud of her family. Just like with Joseph, everyone had their own special relationship with this one of a kind woman. Now I am going to talk about my relationship with Grandma. When I first met her back in 2001 I made the mistake in calling her by her name which is Janet, but she got a little upset with me and said no, Im grandma. She was always full of stories to tell about when she was younger, and when her girls were younger. She loved telling me stories about her grand kids growing up, especially Jack since I married him. She told me every story from him being potty trained to him watching his favorite tv show at the time, which was Hulk, and eating chicken. I always enjoyed hearing her stories, no matter how many times she would tell then. After Olivia was born, I really felt it was important that she spent time with her great grandparents, so every week on Thursday, grandpa would come pick me and Olivia up. Even though we just lived basically across the street, Grandma did not want me walking across that busy street with a baby. Then as a family, we all went to the store. Grandma was always so proud to be surrounded by all three generations. And she would always tell the cashier at check out, with a little chuckle and a smile, see what my husband and I started. then she would always finish by saying God has really blessed me. After shopping every single week she would make me meatballs and sauce since she knows that was my favorite thing she makes. When Olivia got a little bit older she would make Olivia noodles with butter. Grandma would sit Olivia on the counter and found out really quick that Olivia really loved butter when Olivia would pick up the spoon and eat the butter right off the spoon. I will always treasure every single moment we spent over there. Every Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas we would all gather at grandmas house. She always never let me leave her house without letting us know how proud and blessed and thankful she was. She always gave us hugs and kisses before leaving her house. Olivia would love hanging out at her nannas house. Once Olivia was in 1st grade she would call her nanna every morning on her way to school. Olivia would always tell me after she hung up that nanna likes to talk, but then Olivia would tell me that it was ok and she did not mind because we just never know how long we are going to have nanna here. Grandma and Grandpa were married for 56 years. I am not sure who, but someone made a comment to Jack and I one day a few years ago when we were arguing about God knows what that we sound like grandma and grandpa. At that time I did not think much about it, but now when I think about little comments like that all I can do is smile a little bit and think that If we sound like them, we are going to have so many happy years together. Grandma left behind such a legacy that you cant do anything but smile and be reminded of those words Grandma would say with such pride, See what Joe (grandpa) and I started. Our lives had all been changed dramatically and the holes in our hearts and lives will always remain a little empty. We will miss Joseph and Grandma every day for the rest of our lives. The way I see it, not only three innocent people died as a result of horrific acts on June 8th, but 4 people died. Grandma may not have physically passed away on that day, but her heart was so broken that day, there was just no recovering for her from this horrible tragedy. May you rest in piece, Joseph Wilcox and Janet La Faso, till the day we meet again.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 16:15:01 +0000

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