Repost this picture with VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE Once - TopicsExpress


Repost this picture with VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE Once Again. ------- 跨越兩千年現代因果報應真實紀錄《凱撒軍團東征中國之謎 》之重點 Main point of True Karma across two millennia recorded in this book of real life documentary《凱撒軍團東征中國之謎 》《Mystery of Caesars Legion Conquest of China》 利賓菩薩告訴他們:中國不是你們的,你來幹什麼? Li Bin Pusa told them: China is not yours, what are you doing here? Note 備註:據書中輿淨空老法師曾在講經當中透露過,利賓菩薩為家喻戶曉的觀世音菩薩化身之一。 According to content of the book《凱撒軍團東征中國之謎》and respected Venerable Master Chin Kung, Li Bin Pusa 利賓菩薩 is one of the incarnations of Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara. Refer to LABELS stated below which posted few years ago if youre interested to know more this real life documentary happened in this life time. Labels標簽: miaoyinxuefo.blogspot/search/label/凱撒軍團東征中國之謎 ------- I hope this picture-message can be sent out by those with high-end technology to help send this message to those who try to initiate world war. This is a real life documentary《凱撒軍團東征中國之謎》with 380 pages written by someone from China few years ago with warning signal and real karma message embedded! Gods using mankinds hand to convey important message in this chaotic & atomic era (Atomic Age=This word was written by Dr. Arnold Joseph Toynbee who had passed away 已故英國的湯恩比博士), hopefully this message can be read and thus change their utmost foolish thinking! A temple was built in Gansu Province, China hopefully to warn those people with Utmost Foolish Thinking after the book was published! and it seems One of the Nostradamuss prophecies poetry has recorded this important event: Temples consecrated in the original Roman manner, They will reject the excess foundations, Taking their first and humane laws, Chasing, though not entirely, the cult of saints. Note: This book《凱撒軍團東征中國之謎》has been recommended during daily dharma talk of Venerable Master Chin Kung and one of his student Master Wu Dao few years ago about 70+ times. 再次再次重新發佈這個含有重要訊息的圖片。 我希望這個訊息能夠通過掌握高科技的人,把這個訊息傳達給那些企圖發動世界大戰的的人。 這本厚達380頁《凱撒軍團東征中國之謎》是一本真人真實記錄,佛菩薩與眾正神、講義氣的幽冥眾生在幾年前通過一位中國人,在亂世與核子時代(已故英國的湯恩比博士曾寫過這個名詞“核子時代”)傳達警世訊息及真實因果報應故事給人類。 這部著作記錄出版後,甘肅省羅馬將士紀念祠真的在中國甘肅省建立起來。 看起來,諾查丹馬斯的詩之其中一則早已記錄此重要事件: Temples consecrated in the original Roman manner, They will reject the excess foundations, Taking their first and humane laws, Chasing, though not entirely, the cult of saints. Please share it!請轉發! Namo Amitabha 南無阿彌陀佛 注:這本書《凱撒軍團東征中國之謎》曾在幾年前被淨空老教授及其學生之一悟道法師提及70多次。
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 08:19:08 +0000

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