Reposting from Dennis Etler, administrator of FB Group site: Xi - TopicsExpress


Reposting from Dennis Etler, administrator of FB Group site: Xi Jinping- Chinas Exceptinal President. Thank goodness that social media has allowed us citizen journalists, bloggers, and microbloggers to circumvent and do end-runs around the Anglo-American-UK multimedia behemoths who have blockaded and acted as censors and filters to spin the news to conform with the oligopolistic owners who now control these purveyors of news and infotainment arbitrage. Read with skepticism and circumspection news organizations such as BBC, MSNBC, ABC, CNN-Time Warner, Fox-News Corporation, New York Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune-L.A. Times, Boston Globe, et al...... they are partisans and burnish their news and information fare with deep biases which promotes either neo-liberal democratic interventionist values of Pax Americana or neo-con right-wing values of the American and British conservatives. Either way, there is a confluence and convergence when it comes to coverage of China, on China Bashing and Chinese Demonization. Thank goodness there are alternatives now in blogosphere. Join Dennis Etlers new FB Group...... Xi Jinping-Chinas Exceptional President. Oslo Freedom Forum is also behind the lobby which pushed for the selection of Liu Xiaobo, the minion chosen by the color revolution zealots of Euro-American Brits to be Nobel Peace Prize laureatte! They burnished and packaged Liu as the Vaclav Havel of China. And Liu literally plagiarized his Charter 08 manifesto as an identical copycat of the velvet revolution in Eastern Europe! The chicken has come home to roost! I hope oil prices remain under US$ 80 a barrel! Norways North Sea oil cant break even but lose money if a barrel of crude oil goes under US$ 80 a barrel! Norwegians are eurocentric meddlers! Dennis Etlers post is below which I echo: Translation: The BBC recently reported that the Occupy Central demonstrations in HK were planned in secret as long as two years ago and as many as 1000 Occupy Central activists had received special training in the West. This was revealed at a meeting of the 2014 Oslo Freedom Forum held from Oct. 20-22 in Norway and reported on in an Oct 21 BBC nightly newscast. The reporter said that about 1000 HKG demonstrators received special training prior to the start of the Occupy Central protests. Join this FB Group. According to the report organizers of Occupy Central began planning street demonstrations and the occupation of streets in downtown HKG as early as January 2013. The Oslo Freedom Forum, although held in Oslo has an official address and website in New York City at 350 5th Ave., its telephone and fax numbers are also in NYC. Many of the speakers at the forum also came from the US. Here is the Website of the 2014 Oslo Freedom Forum: https://oslofreedomforum/
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 05:28:32 +0000

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