Representatives from Amnesty International, the federal NDP, as - TopicsExpress


Representatives from Amnesty International, the federal NDP, as well as the Parti Québécois and Québec Solidaire, held a news conference in Montreal earlier in the day, calling on Ottawa to take action. Meanwhile, Liberal foreign affairs critic Marc Garneau has requested a meeting with the Saudi ambassador and will officially ask for Badawis release. Green Party Leader Elizabeth May also condemned the flogging. The fact that the Saudi government can condemn the assault of Charlie Hebdo and freedom of the press last week, while brutally repressing free speech is both shocking and appalling, May said in a statement released Tuesday afternoon. I urge the Saudi government to immediately end the egregious abuse of human rights against Mr. Raif Badawi and make sure that he receives the appropriate treatment for his injuries. ” In an email, a spokesman for the Department of Foreign Affairs said, We are following his case closely in the context of human rights and have raised his case in dialogue with Saudi Arabia. The United States has asked Saudi Arabia to cancel the sentence of 1,000 lashes.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 21:27:46 +0000

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