Reptilian Perspective and Peace Deal Reptile was before mammal - TopicsExpress


Reptilian Perspective and Peace Deal Reptile was before mammal on Earth. Before there was mankind, animals existed. The Serpent is said to be the wisest of the animals. Aliens have been on Earth since its creation and still exist today. Dinosaurs existed millions of years ago and still exist today. The Snake is said to be the Devil or Hacetan in the Garden of Eden that tricked Eve and Adam into eating the apple. This consumption of the apple correlated with two main points. One, it regarded a dimensional downshift and matrix trip for humanity receiving Shelled bodies and trapped spirits. Second, when Satan lusted Eve with trickery, he procreated with her creating a mixed bloodline, hence Cain and Abel. Cain was a giant Nephilim (Reptilian) and first murderer who ate and drank the blood of his brother. The Bloodline continued as Abels Pure Bloodline continued until Enoch, seventh from Adam. There was two Enochs. Enoch walked with YHWH, God, and remained faithful and was used to give prophecies, to heal, and speak out against lawlessness. After the first cleanup of the Nephilim and shortly prior to the flood, Enoch plead the case of Azazel and other fallen ones as asked, but YHWH denied the request. Enoch is often a median between these two worlds. After the flood, Nephilim still existed because an extra eight body on the Arc, one of Noahs childrens wife had corrupted blood and when YHWH asked Satan where was he?, Satan replied in and fro in the Earth, which meant hiding inside of the Hollow Earth filled with magma in many areas correlating with the lake of fire. The Satanic Luciferian Serpent Blood still existed in humankind on Earth and it spread. Present day, nearly everyone has a mixture of both Abel and Cains blood in them which directly coincides with Superego, Ego, and Id and whatever you feed will grow. The more Reptilian Blood and DNA you have, the harder it is to live Holy. There are many good Reptilians; some that greatly benefit humanity and all existences should be judged by their fruit and not a pre-conception of their DNA or Blood. All humankind has a Reptilian part of their brain. YESHUA (jesus) THE MESSIAH will be returning soon with 200 Holy Million Angels and the war has been won. Earth will have a 1,000 years of Peace and humankind will evolve to a spiritual 4th Dimensional Species and Earth a 4th Dimensional Planet. The Reptiles argue humankind and their superior God took over this Planet and invaded them as the other side claimed the reptiles invaded them. The Fact of the Matter is the reptiles were here first and we did invade and attack Earth for its water was life giving and had a great source of minerals, sunlight, atmosphere, and more. Furthermore, the vibration Earth was giving was and is war like, controlling, and enslaved as similar to many other Reptilian-run Planets and affected the good beings in the galaxy and Universe. Who is right depends on who you ask. However, the fate of Earth has been determined as written in the Holy Bible and nothing will change the outcome. So what comes into effect now is a compromise and/or treaty with a merciful punishment or continued war with severe consequences. The future holds the destruction of the Draco Constellation. If destruction can be prevented on Earth, destruction can be prevented on the Draco Constellation. New Jerusalem and Heaven on Earth is inevitable and in the immediate in upcoming several years. The Reptilians Head Boss is Jacob Rothschild (Pindar), along with his son Nathaniel Rothschild, the Rockefellers, and more of the 13 Bloodline Illuminati Tribe of Dan Brotherhood of the Snake Tribe. The Bloodline and the Nephilim directly correlate with the Illuminati and Reptilians. Www.GodWinsAlways.BlogSpot.Com , Peace and LOVE Always!!! Please Share... BOOKS Torah, Holy Bible Spy Chips Threat: Why Christians Should Resist RFID - Katherine Albrecht Nephilim Agenda- Randy Demain The True Story of the Bilderbergs Group- Daniel Estulin Lucifer- The Father of Cain- Zen Garcia Sons of God: Who Are We- Why Are We- Zen Garcia BEASTTECH- Terry L. Cook & Thomas R. Horn Alien Harvest- Linda Molten-Howe Children of the Matrix- David Icke Remember who we are- David Icke The Truth About Rockefeller Public Enemy No 1- Emanuel Josephson The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time- Preston Nichols Alien Implants- Dr. Roger Leir The Cosmic Chess Match- L.A. Marzulli Nephilim Trilogy- L.A. Marzulli Into the Fringe, A True Story of Alien Abduction- Dr. Karla Turner Lemuria: The Lost Continent of the Pacific MOVIES The Rothschild and The Two World Wars Genocide: Worse than War Slavery by Consent WEBSITES serpentseedline/ lamarzulli.wordpress/ enditmovement/ antichips
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 03:16:32 +0000

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