Republic day offers us an opportunity to reflect on how - TopicsExpress


Republic day offers us an opportunity to reflect on how effectively we have evolved into a democratic nation and how democratic values and institutions have impacted life of the citizens. Have we lived to the true spirit of democracy? Have we been able to create an egalitarian social order where people are less discriminated? Have the virtues of development reached the last needy man as Gandhiji had envisaged. We need to contemplate on these issues to find out how successful we have been as a nation. There have been many challenges before us, and we have tried with our resources to overcome it. At some places we have succeeded and others we have not achieved what we set out for. With the diversity and accompanying complexity of issues, our governments-at the centre and the states have addressed problems with varying degrees of effectiveness. Some states have advanced due to better plans and faster implementation of programs and some states like Odisha have lagged behind for their failure to exploit their potential. Inclusive growth has not been achieved as wealth continues to stay concentrated in a few hands. Welfare measures have improved living conditions of people, but not of all and not to the level of satisfaction. A large section of people are still out of the loop of development as corruption has taken the entire body politic into its grip. Lack of will power has been another reason why Odisha has not been benefitted from the opportunities it has got. However one thing we can pride on is that our institutions have matured and people now understand the democratic process in a better way. Power has been devolved and decision making frameworks have been broadened. One way we have become a participatory democracy. However true success of empowerment will come only when education and employment is assured to each citizen of the country. Education is a democratizing force which shrinks social divide and employment for all can guarantee economic freedom which defines the well being of a people. Lets pledge today to work towards making our country free from corruption, unemployment and poverty and only then we will succeed in fulfilling our democratic aspirations in full measure.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 15:00:10 +0000

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