Republican Civil War: a Snippet Romney’s defeat at the hands - TopicsExpress


Republican Civil War: a Snippet Romney’s defeat at the hands of Mr. Obama last year reignited a debate from Mr. Obama’s defeat of Senator John McCain in 2008. Some establishment Republicans argued that the primary season helped drive Mr. Romney to take more conservative positions than he otherwise would have on issues like immigration. Activists voting against him asserted that he lost because he did not truly embrace conservative principles [read go full out crazy] That argument has resurfaced this year in the Virginia governor’s race. The state attorney general, Kenneth T. Cuccinelli II, a Tea Party enthusiast, is trailing Terry McAuliffe, a former Democratic national chairman, in every poll. And Republicans are already pointing to Mr. Cuccinelli’s strident views and the shutdown as the explanation for why the race may be out of reach. Conservatives reject this line of thinking, arguing that Mr. Cuccinelli’s problem is that he drifted from his roots [read, not crazy enough] and ran an overly safe campaign on the economy without responding in kind to Democratic attacks on his social views [read a little bit crazy]. For mainline Republicans, there is an obvious contrast: Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey is on track to win re-election in a landslide. “Cuccinelli represents the party of no [read, the crazies], and that’s not going to do so well in Virginia,” said Alex Castellanos, a longtime Republican strategist. “Christie is somebody who represents straight talk and a change from business as usual, and he’s going to do very well. [read, he is a moderate]. NY Times _____ May this be a harbinger of things to come, even if that will make life much harder for the Democrats after the primaries. [Bumper Sticker: No More Crazies]
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 09:46:04 +0000

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