Republicans Best Case Scenario: The Republicans ride an election - TopicsExpress


Republicans Best Case Scenario: The Republicans ride an election night wave, picking off all of the expected Senate seats and even a couple that weren’t considered in play. With a solid majority in both houses of Congress, the GOP immediately sets about finishing business that has been sitting idle for the past few years. New Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell brings to the floor all 300+ House bills that Harry Reid has been ignoring. Numerous pieces of legislation are passed that repeal the worst bits and pieces of Obamacare, but not the whole law. Job creation is put on the front burner, and energy production is unleashed, by way of a reduction in the corporate tax rate and a roll back in burdensome regulations. Congress actually passes a budget that works and reduces the deficit, with key cuts to the bureaucracy. The worst agencies in the Executive Branch see their budgets slashed, and entire projects are defunded. The Senate opens up their Committees to launch investigations into Obama administration malfeasance, just like the House has been doing. A few of the worst offenders in some of the more spectacular scandals are actually held accountable and forced to resign in disgrace. Criminal investigations, led by special prosecutors, are turned loose on the administration. President Obama initially vetoes everything that comes across his desk, but after Congress overrides his veto a few times, Obama reluctantly agrees to sign the bills, attaching signing statements and spinning the PR to make it seem like the bills are his idea. Obama signs a few executive orders to bypass Congress, but they are of little significance, as Obama is cowed under the threat of an impeachment. Congress passes several pieces of legislation that specifically address and override prior executive orders, by rule of law. Americans are pleased that things are finally getting done, and the Congressional approval rating rises from the teens to the twenties, and even the thirties in some polls. Obama is increasingly viewed as an obstructionist president, who does little more than pitch a fit at every GOP backed bill, and serves as a stumbling block for true progress and the long overdue economic recovery for the country. Republicans are perfectly set up for 2016, as Democrats have been unable to shake the stigma that Obama has cast upon their party. The GOP has a robust primary and emerges with a good candidate that a majority of Americans, both moderate and conservative, can agree upon. The Democrat primary is a complete mess, and Hillary Clinton ultimately decides not to run in these trying times and certain defeat for Democrats. conservativetribune/future-if-gop-takes-senate/
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 19:51:59 +0000

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